It is quite obvious that the use of about 500 volts as
working potential for railway purposes entails a very
serious cost of copper on lines of any considerable length,
for in general the cost of copper for a given proportion of
energy wasted varies inversely with the square of the
For instance, to deliver 500 amperes at ten miles dis-
tance would require, even with a gross drop of 150 volts,
about 2,000,000 ¢. m. of copper area weighing about three
tons per rooo ft.; in all over 150 tons, costing not far from
$45,000, about $225 per kilowatt of energy delivered.
It is, of course, highly desirable to find means for
reducing this excessive cost and all sorts of expedients
have been tried to thatend. ‘T'he gross loss above assumed
is about as great as can be permitted, since on a line with
distributed load more loss and greater overcompounding is
likely to interfere with the proper performance of the
motors and the regularity of the schedule. Very heavy
overcompounding increases the cost of the generators and
leads to extremes of voltage. In dealing with such a case
as that just cited the most frequently advantageous
method would be to fall back on some of the regular
methods of power transmission which will be desctibed
later, but under some circumstances the substation involved
in these methods is undesirable, and one must either stand
the heavy expenditure for copper or adopt some special
means for reducing it.
There are several of these that are in fairly successful
use. Of those which require no special devices in connec-.
tion with the motors the most generally applicable are the