Full text: Natürliche organische Farbstoffe (2. Band)

Be ia auabpena sa no na gas na ersehen a ar Sngrenen an se TEEN sh, 
Synthese des Perhydrocrocetin. 
NS- a PBr. 
0,H,0—CH,—CH,—CH—CH,—CH,—OH —> 
3-Methyl-5-äthoxy-pentanol (1) 
C,H,0—CH, CH, CH-—-CH,—CH,Br > 
)H CH, CH, 
= & | Rn u“ HBr 
C,H,0—CH, CH, -0H—CH, CH, CH, CH, —CH--CH, CH, —00,H, —— 
In, 3-8-Dimethyldecan-1-10-diol-diäther 
nt CH, CH, 
| 5 En RR ; | ! ; Malon- 
Br— CH, CH, CH--CH, CH, CH, CH, —0H--CH,-CH,— Br <————— 
“ a e e estersynthese 
CH, CH, 
HOOC\ | | EN ‚c00H Abspaltung 
\N Y 7 X { “ { F \ Y X Ri NT en PETE, 
Ho0g7CH-CHr CH,-CH-CH,-CH,-CH,-CH,-CH-CH,-CH,-CHX op von 00, 
CH, CH, 
a i ee Er a als Chlorid 
H000-CH,-CH,-CH,-CH-CH,-CH,-CH,-CH,-CH-CH,-CH,-CH,-COOH — cm 
4-9-Dimethyldodecan-1-12-dicarbonsäure zinkjodid 
CH, CH, 
i ’ | Bi 
X 6-11-Dimethyl-hexadekan-2-15-dion 
Endlich ist auch noch Perhydrocrocetin! synthetisiert worden: 
. CH, CH, 
»)4 | Na+ 
> HOH,C—CH—CH, CH, CH, CH--CH,OH. > 
2-6-Dimethyl-heptandiol (1-7) : 
CH, CH, 
| | Br; 
HOH,C—CH—CH,—CH,—CH,—CH—CH;00,H, — 
n: CH, CH, 
; £ ä 5 E _.... Malonester 
BrH,0—CH—CH,—CH,—CH,—CH—CH;00;H, > 
GH, CH, 
HO0C | \ Abspalt 
CH IL, 0H.-0. 00, 08,00. 0.004 
HO0C > * ® = 272 2:9». .,00.C0, 
CH, ink; 
Elektrolyse des 
HOoC ou 08 cc cn I och, — 
e ” e = e e 2 Na-Salzes 
) ! Karrer, Benz, Stoll: Helvet. chim. Acta 16, 297 (1933). 

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