Full text: [A to Belgiojo'so] (Vol. 1)

representative in matters relating to military organ- 
isation and discipline. The Secretary is the organ 
through whom the wishes of the Sovereign are recon- 
ciled with the wishes and intentions of parliament. 
Until the war with Russia in 1854, the administra- 
tive departments were much scattered ; their defec- 
tive organisation led in great part to the miseries 
suffered by the British troops in the Crimea ; but 
now they are all consolidated under the Secretary of 
State for War. See WaR DrpARTMENT. 
ARMY ESTIMATES. In the spring of every 
year, the British government having formed a plan 
concerning the extent and appliances of the mili- 
tary force for that year, the War-office sends 
to the Treasury a series of accounts setting forth 
the probable cost of everything required. These 
accounts are called the A. E. If they are approved 
by the Treasury, the Chancellor of the Exchequer 
adverts to these, along with other estimates, in his 
annual °financial statement,” made to the House 
of Commons in its capacity guardian of the 
public purse. In preparing the A.E. the Secre- 
tary of State for War applies to the heads of all 
the departments under him for detailed accounts 
of their probable requirements, Another functionary 
then incorporates .and adjusts these into a whole; 
they are submitted to the Treasury; and, if 
approved, are presented to the House as the A. E. 
Should the Commons grant the money, the Account- 
ant-general of the War-office makes the requisite 
drafts or demands from time to time ; and the Trea- 
sury authorises the Paymaster-general of the Forces 
to honour these drafts. The money itself is in 
the Bank of England ; this establishment receives 
a certain annual sum from the government for 
managing such financial matters. 
The A. E. are drawn up in conformity with a 
model which differs little from year to year. There 
are certain great headings, each comprising many 
minor divisions : viz., Land Forces and Militia 
(numbers, pay, allowances, and miscellaneous 
charges) ; Cuwil Hstablishments (administration, 
manufacturing establishments, civil departments) ; 
Supplies (clothing, provisions, forage, warlike stores); 
Works and Buildings (barracks, fortifications, &ei); 
Educational Bstablishments (schools, chaplains, libra- 
ries, &c.); Non-effective Services (half-pay, retiring 
allowances, pensions, &c.). These are not exactly 
the technical names of the several headings ; but 
hey will be more intelligible to gemeral readers. 
The various items are more or less sifted by the 
House of Commons; and any one or more of them 
can be refused altogether, or granted in diminished 
amount. The A. B. for 1859—60, which may be 
cited here as an illustrative example, refer to the 
period from April 1, 1859 to March 31, 1860. The 
total number of British troops provided for in these 
estimates is 229,557 ; but as 106,902 are charged to 
the East Indian treasury, being required for 
India service, the House of Commons was asked 
only to provide for the remaining 122,655. The 
horses are 24,069, of which 11,321 are for India ser- 
vice. Without going into any details, we will simply 
give the amounts under the six great headings : 
. £4,524 843 
Pay and allowances, . 
Civil and manufacturing departments, 1,170,787 
Clothing, provisions, forage, warlike 
stores, : § ; s : s 2,121,692 
Barracks, fortifications, buildings, . 1,334,701 
Educational and religious charges, . 268,532 
Reduced and retired pay, pensions, 
rewards, . 2 . s s . 2,147,505 
ARMY LIST is the name of a publication 
issued by authority of the War-office. It contains 
the names of all commissioned officers in the 
British army, arranged according to the dates of 
their commissions. Then come the officers of the 
East India Company’s service—or, now, that por- 
tion of the Queen’s army which belongs exclu- 
sively to India. Next the names of all officers 
who hold military honours or staff appointments. 
The bulk of the work, however, is taken up with an 
enumeration of all the regiments in the Queen’s 
army, and all the officers in each regiment, arranged 
according to the numerical rank of the regiments. 
To this are added lists of the officers of the Rifle 
Brigade, Colonial Corps, Royal Artillery, Royal 
Engineers, Royal Marines, Commissariat, and Army 
Medical Department ; and of officers retired on full- 
pay and on half-pay. The A. L. for 1859 contains 
the names of little less than 14,000 commissioned 
officers. Another work of similar but non-official 
character, Hart’s A. L., by a more condensed 
arrangement of type, gives all the information 
contained in the official list, and much in addition. 
ARMY SCHOOLS. The colleges, academies, 
and schools relating to military matters in this 
country may be grouped into two classes—those 
intended to increase the military efficiency of the 
officers and men; and those which bear relation to 
the ordinary school-tuition of soldiers of the ranks 
and their children. The principal of those in the first 
group are the Royal Military College at Sandhurst, 
the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, the 
School of Instruction at Chatham, the Department 
of Artillery Studies at Woolwich, the School of 
Artillery at Shoebury, the School of Musketry at 
Hythe, and the Royal Artillery Institution at Wool- 
wich. The chief among the second group are the 
Royal Military Asylum (better known as the Duke 
of York’s School), the Regimental Schools, and the 
Garrison Schools. Chelsea College or Hospital is an 
asylum for veterans, not a school of instruction. 
Most of these educational establishments will be 
found briefly described in this work, either under 
the names of the places where they exist, or of the 
arm of the service to which they belong, 
ARMY WORKS CORPS. When the British 
generals engaged in the Crimean war, in the later 
months of 1854, knew that the siege-army would 
need to winter outside Sebastopol, grave difficulties 
were presented to their notice. The distance from 
the landing-place at Balaklava to the front of the 
siege-camp was not less than eight miles; and the 
only road was a mud-track, almost impassable in 
wet weather. How to get the heavy guns, the shot 
and shell, the provisions, and the general stores, up to 
the front, was a question not easy of solution. The 
British soldiers were too few even for the ordinary 
military duties, and yet they were called upon for 
services of extra and arduous nature. When 
these facts became known in England, a suggestion 
was made that an ¢ Army Works Corps’ should be 
formed, to consist of strong and efficient railway 
excavators, Cornish miners, and well-sinkers; that 
these should have with them all the tools and appli- 
ances for making roads and digging wells; and that 
they should be accompanied by travelling work- 
shops and skilled artisans, to effect that which might 
require more skill than physical labour. The imme- 
diate necessities of Lord Raglan, in regard to bring- 
ing up supplies, were met by the construction of a 
railway from Balaklava to the heights outside 
Sebastopol, by special contract with Messrs Peto 
and Brassey; but the large amount of bodily 
labour continually needed for various services, led 
to the formation of the A. W. C. The raising and 

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