Royal Society of London — Russell
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No. 136. Niven, C., On the induction of electric currents
in infinite plates and spherical shells. 48 p. 2:38.20 0.
No. 137. Hopkinson, J., Electrostatic capacity of glass and
of liquids. Part Il. 20 p. SH.
No: 140. Reynold, A. W., and Buckler A. W., On the
electrical resistance of thin liquid films. 44 p. with 2 pl.
No. 153. Sanderson, J. B., On the electromotive proper-
ties of the leaf of dionaea in the excited and unexcited states
56 p. sh. 3.—
No. 174. Waller, A., and. .A. de .Watewille, On the in-
Auence of the galvanic current on the excitability of the motor
nerves of man. 32 p. with 2 pl. sh. 9.
Rubio, B., Electroterapia. M&todos y procedimientos de electrisacion.
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tura en el tratamiento de los aneurismas 4°. 27 p. y un cuadro.
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in den Text eingedr. Holzst. Nach E. Verdet’s theorie m&canique
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Rundspaden, Aug.,. Ueber die Elektrolyse des Wassers in Berührung
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Runo, Giuseppe, Le strade ferrate, la navigazione, il'telegrafo e la
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Russell, W. H., The Atlantic telegraph. lllustrated by Robert: Dudley.
fol. V, 117 p. London, Day & Son, 1865. sh. 21.—