Full text: Die Weltliteratur der Elektricität und des Magnetismus von 1860-1883 mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Elektro-Technik

Ausstellungs-Bericht — I 
Ausstellungs-Bericht. Heft 69. Die Telegraphen-Apparate. Bericht von 
L. Ditscheiner. Mit 6 lithogr. Taf. in gr. 5° IE 
Avenarius, Methode pour la division de la lumiere Electrique. 
6 p. et pl. Paris, imp. Desnos. 1881. 
Axon, W. E.A. The Mechanic’s Friend. — A collection of receipts 
and practical suggestions relating to Aquaria, Bronzing, Ce- ' 
ments, Drawing, Dyes, Electricity, Gilding, Glass-working, Glues, 
Horology, Lacquers, Locomotives, Magnetism, Metal working, 
Modelling, Photography, Pyrotechny, Railways, Solders, Steam 
Engines, Telegraphy, Taxidermy, Varnishes, Waterproofing, and 
Miscellaneous Tools, Instruments, Machines, and Processes con 
nected with the Chemical and Mechanical Arts. With numerous 
diagrams and woodcuts. 8°. XII, 339 p. London, Trübner & Co. 
4 Ss. O GG; 
Aymes, A., Rögulation des compas au moyen du fer doux; balance 
8, 86 p. 
magnetique; considerations sur le meilleur compas. 
Paris, Berger-Levrault et Ce. (Extrait.) 1881. 
Ayrton, W. E., Electricity as a motive power, discourse deliverec 
to the working men of Sheffield. British Association. 8”. Shef- 
| 79 —s,6d 
field, Leader and Sons; London, Spons. 1879. 
_— Electric railways. Abstract of a lecture delivered at the Royal 
Institution. 8°. London, Spons, — 5,06 
— Electric lighting and transmission of power. ®". Lond: 
Cassel & Co. 
— Lecture on the storage of energy. 8%. London, Spon. — S. © 
and J. Perry. The contact theory of voltaic action. 
Vide Royal Society. No. 108. 
Babinet. M., De la telegraphie &lectrique, ligne de jonction des 
cing parties du monde. 8°, Paris, Fı 1861. fi — 
Baeblich, H., Das Nordlicht. Nach den Resultaten der neuesten 
Forschungen. gr. 16°. 44 Ss .„ Cronbach. 1871 M - 
Bache. Alex, D. Magnetic and meteorolog. observations at Girar:ı 
College pt. I—XIl. Washington, Smithsonian Inst. 1859 — 180 
— Magnetic survey of Pennsylvania. Fol, 88 p. ibid. 13 5 1.— 
Backer, Thomas, vide Fenwick, Thomas 

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