Full text: Die Weltliteratur der Elektricität und des Magnetismus von 1860-1883 mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Elektro-Technik

64 Garibaldi — Gavarret 
Garibaldi, P. M., Osservatorio della R. Universitä di Genova. Re- ( 
| lazione sulle osservazioni magnetiche e meteorologiche fatte 
11 dalla mezzanotte del 29 alla mezzanotte del 30 agosto 1870, 
ora di Parigi. 4. 26. p. con..due tavole in fol. Genova, tip. 
Sordo-Muti. 1870. 
— Osservazioni magnetiche fatte in occasione dell’ eclissi anulare 
di sole del 28-29 settembre 1875 visibile in parte a Genova: 
memoria. 4°. 12 p. Ibid. 1879. 
. u zu : u se i C 
Gariel, C. M., Trait& pratique d’electricit, comprenant les appli- 
| cations aux sciences et ä l’industrie, ı° fascicule. Avec 140 fig. 
| gr. 80. 220 p. Paris, Doin. 1882. fr. 6.— 
(Sera complet en 4 fascicules c 
— Vide V. Desplats. 
Garnault, E., vide W. C. Hojel. c 
Garner, S., The telephone: its history, construction, principles, 
and uses, with definite instructions on the making of tele- C 
phones, by which failure is impossible, and to which is added 
a chapter on the phonograph: 12°. 52 p. 3rishton, Garner; ö 
London, Simpkin, 1878. sh. = 
Garnett, W., vide Campbell & Garnett 
Garnier, Ed., La lumiere &lectrique a navigation. 8. 
Paris, A. Bertrand. 1869. fr.1,25 
Garrat, A. C., Electro-physiology and electro-therapeutics. ©. - 
Boston, U. S. 1860. 
— Guide for using medical batteries. 80%. Philadelphia. 1867. 
Fa \ 
— Medical Electricity, embracing electro-physiology and electri- 
€ : vised etc. 8°, 1103 p. 
city as a therapeutic er 9° 
Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott »& 
Garrido, A. G., vide J. T 
Gatti, Pietro, L’elettrobiologia proposta come 
sta ente patogenetico ik 
psicologico e terapeutico giusta il sistema 
Philips. 16‘ 
56 p. Genova, tip. Schenone. 1871. 
Gaugain, J. M., M&moire sur le magnetisme etudi& au moyen des C 
courants d’induction. 80, 42 p. Caen, imp. Le Blanc-Hardel 18706. 
(Extrait.) i 
120, avec figures 
Gavarret, L. 

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