Tacchini,P. Fotografie della corona atmosferica attorno al sole. Mem. Spettr. 16, 200.
Sülle fotografie dell’ eclisse totale di sole 1889. Mem. Spettr. 18, 124; 19, 93.
Taylor, A. Eclipse photography. A. and A. 12, 267; Obs. 16, 95.
Tennant. Report of the total eclipse of the sun 1868 .... Mem. R. Astr. Soc. 37.
The total solar eclipse 1868. Photogr. News 11, 483; 12, 562.
Report on observations of total eclipse 1871. Mem. R. Astr. Soc. 42.
Photographs taken during the total eclipse 1871. M. N. 33, 23, 467.
Trouvelot. Photographs of the corona without an eclipse. Obs. 9, 394.
Vernier. Image photographique de l’astre éclipsé. C. R. 51, 148.
Images photographiques de l’éclipse partielle de 1861. C. R. 54, 43, 159.
Images photographiques des différentes phases de l’éclipse solaire partielle
de 1863. C. R. 56, 1023.
Vogel, H. C. Sonnenaufnahmen. Bothkamper Beob. 1.
Vogel, H. W. Photographie der Sonne. V. J. S. 6, 265.
Bericht über die photographischen Arbeiten der Adener Expedition. V. J. S.
7, 241; Photogr. Not. 4, 101.
Ueber photographische Sonnenfinsternissbeobachtungen. Eders Jahrb. 1888, 424.
Die Sonnenfinsternis vom 21. Dec. vorigen Jahres. Phot. Not. 7, 4.
Die englische Sonnenfinsternissexpedition. Photogr. Mittheil. 12, 10, 35, 60;
Photogr. News 19, 261, 319, 330, 357. The Philadelphia Photogr. 12. 195.
Ueber die Sonnenfinsternis (1875). Photogr. Not. 1870; Photogr. News 1875.
Photogr. Mittheil. 1875.
Von der photographischen Expedition nach Ober-Aegypten. Photogr. Mittheil.
5, 178, 201.
Waterhouse. Photographs of the late eclipse. Photogr. News 17, 34.
The recent eclipse. Photogr. News 16, 499; Brit. Journ. Phot. 19, 500.
Notes on the photographic operations connected with the Indian expedition ....
Journ. Photogr. Soc. 15, 155; Brit. Journ. Photogr. 19, 291.
Webb. American photographs of the total solar eclipse 1869. M. N. 30. 4.
Wesley. The solar corona as shown in photographs .... M. N. 47, 499.
Wilson, E. L. Die amerikanische Sonnenfinsternis vom 7. Aug. Phot. Mitth. 6, 162.
-— Photographs of the protuberances of the sun. Photogr. News 14. 498.
Winlock, J. Sonnenfinsternis von 1869. Coast Survey Report for 1S69.
Sonnenfinsternis von 1870. Coast Survey Report for 1870. Appendix 16.
Sonnenaufnahmen. Ann. Harvard Coll. Observ. 8, 37.
Winstanley. The eclipse photographs. Photogr. News 15, 275.
Wood. Photography of the solar corona. Obs. 7, 376.
Huggins’ method of photographing the solar corona, M. N. 45, 258.
Young, C. A. Photographs of the solar prominences. Amer. Journ. (2) 50. 404.
Spectroscop. and photograph, observations of the sun. Franklin Journ. 60, 232.
Zantedeschi, F. Di due resultamenti ottenuti fotografigamente del Sign. W. de
la Rue, durante l’eclisse totale .... Annal. Télégraphiques 6, 807.
Zeuger, Chr. Sur l’héliophotographie. Rev. Scient. 1886, 530.
Etudes astrophotographiques. C. R. 97, 552.
Fotografie solari. Mem. Spettr. 8, 47.
Photographische Sonnenbeobachtungen. C. R. 98, 407.
Photographie directe des protubérances solaires sans l’emploi du spectroscope.
C. R. 88, 374.