Full text: Die Photographie der Gestirne ([Text])

Photogrammen van de Maan. De Navorscher 8 , 78. 
Photographs of the moon. Phot. News 16, 611. 
Photographs of the full moon. Selen. 3, 65. 
Photography of the moon. Anthony’s Phot. Bull. 1877, Dec. 
Photographs of the moon exhibited to the society. M. N. 16, 46. 
VII. Planeten und Satelliten. 
Browning, J. Photographs of Jupiter. M. N. 81, 33. 
Campbell, W. W. Discovery of asteroids by photography. Pac. 4, 264; 5, 109. 
The Lick Observatory photographs of Mars. Pac. 6 , 139. 
Christie, W. H. M. Photographs of Mars .... M. N. 40, 32. 
Common, A. A. On the desirability of photographing Saturn and Mars ... M. N. 
39, 381. 
Photographs of Jupiter. Obs. 3, 314. 
Note on photographs of Jupiter. M. N. 41, 47. 
Note on photographs of Jupiter. M. N. 52, 18. 
Draper, H. Photographs of Jupiter. Amer. Journ. (3) 20, 118; M. N. 40, 433. 
Planetary and stellar photography. Obs. 7, 210 . 
Fort. Application du microscope aux images photographiques des corps planétaires. 
C. R. 27, 298. 
Gerrish, W.P. Photographic observations of eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites. Astroph. 
Journ. 1, 146. 
Holden. E. S. Negatives of Jupiter taken at the Lick Observatory. Pac. 3, 65. 
Photographs of the phenomena which accompany the ingress of the shadows 
of the satellites of Jupiter. Pac. 4, 260. 
Pickering, W. H. Photographic des Mars. Sid. Mess. 1890; Bull. Astr. 8 , 216. 
Roberts, J. Photographic search for the minor planet Sappho. M. N. 47, 265. 
Photograph of Neptune and its satellite. M. N. 51, 439. 
Photographic researches for a planet beyond Neptune. M. N. 52, 501; A. and A. 
10, 554. 
Soubrany. Note concernant un procede qui permettrait de photographier sur une 
grande échelle les planétes les plus voisines de la terre. C. R. 73, 962. 
Williams, A. St. On the determination of the positions of markings on Jupiter 
by photography. Astr. Nachr. 139, 203; M. N. 51, 402. 
Note of a preliminary examination of photographs of Jupiter. Pac. 4, 166. 
Wilson, H. C. A photograph of the pleiades and two asteroides. A. and A. 13, 192. 
Wolf, M. Photographische Aufnahme von kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. 129. 337. 
Die Photographie der Planetoiden. Astr. Nachr. 139, 97. 
Photographing minor planets. A. and A. 12, 109. 
De la découverte des planètes au moyen de la photographie. Brit. Journ. Phot. 
1873, Mai. 
VIII. Cometen. 
Archenhold, F. S. Photographische Aufnahmen des Cometen 1892. Astr. Nachr. 
131, 215. 
Barnard, E. E. Photographie discovery of cornet 1892 e. Astr. Journ. 12, 102 ; 
Obs. 16, 92.

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