Towards the boundary the second term in (132-5) becomes predominant
We have tabulated F x up to £ 0 = 5. It is difficult to trace it beyond; but
remembering that there has to be a node at the boundary, we need not
fear any abnormal increase. Probably the maximum value of — dF 1 /d £ 0
is about 1 in terms of the central value of | l5 or about -05 in absolute
Hence the gain of heat per unit volume per second may amount to
the factor R'/R being inserted in order to change the unit of length to
1 cm. Since R/cR' is about 10 seconds
The heat accumulated per cu. cm. in the half-period (2 days) is then about
200 uT e 4 . The normal heat content of a cu. cm. is somewhat larger than
aT i , say 2 aT i . The amplitude T x is about -08. It follows that the tem
perature oscillation due to heat leakage is about equal to the oscillation
due to adiabatic pulsation when T = 5 T e . In the region of the star for
which T < 5T e the adiabatic approximation fails utterly.
134. The small leakage of heat found in the last section will gradually
dissipate the energy of pulsation if there is no countervailing agency. We
shall estimate roughly the rate of decay.
Suppose that the pulsation of the region is kept steady by supplying
mechanical work W, so that by the conservation of energy
for any number of complete cycles. If we substitute in this our expressions
for dQ/dt such as (133-2) we merely obtain W = 0 to the first order of small
quantities. We must obtain an expression which will enable us to calculate
W to the second order. Since the state is steady, the change of entropy of
the material must be zero for complete cycles, so that
so that
dQ _ F 0 dF-y _ H 0 dFy
dt 4vp 0 g 0 2 dg 0 p 0 dg o ‘
Po dt —zV-^o cos
— ^ acT 6 4 ( R'/R) cos nt,
Po ^ ~ C0S n ^‘
or since
1 1 _ 8T __ 1 _T X
T~T 0 TJ ~T 0 ~ T 0 ’
[dQ (1 - T,) - 0.
W + j T x dQ = 0 ..