Hence integrating
const - - * ■- m {f+ lo «« t+t. - 2 tan " rj -< 233 ' 9 )-
For //, we guess the value 20 since the ionisation is low; g = 2*74.10 4 on
the sun; hence with the values of T in (232-5)
x x — x 2 = 2-70.10 6 cm.
To sum up—at an average point on the sun’s disc (cos 6 = |) the
thickness of the layer furnishing 80 per cent, of the whole radiation is
27 kilometres. In this zone the temperature increases from 5050° to 6950°
and the density increases twelvefold. The pressure increases sixteenfold,
and in the middle its value is about 10~ 5 atmos.
In a giant star the thickness of the photosphere will be greatly increased
on account of the much smaller value of g (233-9). The pressure is only
altered to a moderate extent according to the value of /3'/(l — ft').
These preliminary results will be revised in § 251; but their general
character is not much altered.
Absorption Lines.
234. Line absorption is caused by the excitation of an atom from one
state to another. In this process radiation of a definite frequency v to
v + 8v is absorbed and if the atom is free from disturbance the width 8v
of the absorption line is small. The explanation of the appearance of
absorption lines in stellar spectra is not quite so obvious as we might
think at first, because absorption is closely linked with emission.
Here are two rough (and contradictory) arguments—
(a) Consider radiation proceeding outwards. It excites atoms and is
accordingly absorbed; but the excited atoms subsequently relapse and
emit radiation of the same frequency. The emission, however, occurs in
all directions equally so that only half of it goes to reinforce the outward
beam. Hence absorption followed by emission is equivalent to simple
absorption with coefficient \k, and the intensity in the range v to v + 8v
falls off exponentially giving a very dark line.
( b ) In light of frequency v to v + 8v we can only see a very small depth
into the star since it is highly opaque to this radiation. But the region we
do see has a temperature not less than T 0 the boundary temperature, so
that the intensity of the radiation in the line should not be less than that
corresponding to T 0 . Since the surrounding spectrum has an intensity
corresponding to T e = 1-23 T 0 the contrast is very limited.
The first argument is nearer the truth than the second; but we have
the uncomfortable feeling that more attention should be paid to the
subsequent adventures of the radiation emitted backwards. I think it
E 22