Full text: The internal constitution of the stars

Theories of planetary nebulae are discussed in 
65. J. H. Jeans. The Mechanism and Structure of Planetary Nebulae. Monthly 
Notices, 83, p. 482 (1923). 
66. B. P. Gerasimovic. On the Radiative and Mechanical Equilibrium of Spherical 
Planetary Nebulae. Astr. Nach. No. 5382 (1925). 
Lick Observatory Publications, Vol. 13 (1918) is the main source of observational 
data for the nebulae. 
Subatomic Energy. 
On the astronomical side of the problem we have found most helpful 
67. H. N. Russell. On the Sources of Stellar Energy. Pub. Astr. Soc. Pac. 31, 
p . 205 ( 1919 ). 
68. H. N. Russell. The Problem of Stellar Evolution. Nature, 116, p. 209 (1925). 
The long series of papers by J. H. Jeans in the Monthly Notices from 1917 
onwards can only be dealt with here by a general reference. Some of the 
criticisms brought by Jeans against the theory as developed in this book would, 
if justified, be of a very vital character and opposition develops at the very 
We shall not enumerate papers primarily concerned with observations or 
statistical discussions of observational data. These and other researches 
auxiliary to the theory are referred to in footnotes to the pages of the text to 
which they are relevant. A few not quoted in the text are added here— 
69. F. W. Seares. The Masses and Densities of the Stars. Astrophys. Journ. 55, 
p . 510 . 
70. A. Brill. Der Physikalische Zustand der Sterne. Zeits. fur PhysiJc, 31, p. 717 
71. W. Rabe. Die absolute Helligkeit der Zwergsterne als Funktion der Temperatur 
und Masse. Astr. Nach. No. 5389-90 (1925). 
A monograph dealing with the theory generally but with special reference 
to ionisation, opacity and the electrical state of the stars has been received 
during proof-reading— 
72. S. Rosseland. On the Internal Constitution of the Stars. Norske Videnskaps- 
Akademi, Oslo, 1925, No. 1. 
Another late paper carrying a little farther the investigations of Chapter 
xm is 
73. A. S. Eddington. Diffuse Matter in Interstellar Space (Bakerian Lecture). 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Ill A, p. 424.

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