Full text: History of the Royal Astronomical Society

similar, and indeed a more violent, attack was made at the establish 
ment of the Geological Society, and also of the Royal Institution, 
and which only tended to unite more firmly the original members, 
we hope that a similar result will also be produced here. 
It seems also worthy of record that in Sir John Herschel’s 
Diary there are the following entries :— 
Sat., Feb. 26.—Committee of Astronomical. Dined with Mr. 
Sun., Feb. 27.—Sir J. Banks. 
Mon., Feb. 28.—Went in morning to Dr. Pearson’s at East Sheen 
where I spent the day. In morning read over with the Dr. his 
paper on Micrometers for Astron. Society. Mrs. P. & Mr. & Mrs. 
Moffat were the party besides the Dr. & myself. In evening 
after a little music returned to London. 
Tues., Feb. 29.—Took up quarters at Bedford Place & dined 
there. My Father and Mother came to dinner. Evening, attended 
the meeting of the Astronomical Society, at which my Father was 
voted a Vice-President. Babbage, one of y e English Secretaries, 
& myself y e Foreign. 
N.B .—Duke of Somerset, Pres., to whom with the other 
Secretaries I was introduced by Dr. Pearson. Supped with 
Fri., Mar. 3.—Returned to Slough with my Father & Mother, 
calling on my uncle B. on the way. 
Mon., Mar. 13.—Wrote to F. Baily in expression of strong 
indignation at the part Sir J. Banks has thought proper to take 
respecting the Astronomical Society in persuading the Duke of 
Somerset to resign y e Presidentship—also desiring information on 
the subject of the private observatories on the Continent. 
The cryptic entry of February 27 between two notes about the 
new Society, which was clearly occupying Sir John’s thoughts 
to a considerable extent, can scarcely be interpreted otherwise 
than that Sir J. Banks must have known of the new Society on 
February 27, though he delayed action until after February 29. 
But without further preamble let us inspect the Minutes of the 
March meeting of Council :— 
Minutes of Council 
Friday, March 10, 1820 
The first meeting of the Council took place this day at 3 o’clock 
in the afternoon ; present: II. T. Colebrooke, Esq. ; S. Groom- 
bridge, Esq.; Rev. Dr. Pearson ; F. Baily, Esq.; Col. M. Beaufoy ; 
Capt. T. Colby; T. Harrison, Esq.; D. Moore, Esq.; E. Troughton, 
Esq. S. Groombridge, Esq., in the chair.

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