Full text: Astronomy and cosmogony

Rotating Systems 
Secular Instability. 
182. Let us next suppose that F lt F z ,... do not vanish, but represent 
dissipative forces such as viscosity. The special characteristic of these forces 
is that they always act against the velocity in such a way as to compel the 
system to work against them; in brief, they resist the motion. Thus, what 
ever the algebraic signs of 0 U 0 Z ,... may be in equation (181’1), the signs of 
the terms F 1 0 1 , F z 0 z , ... on the right will always be negative unless they 
are zero. Thus the right-hand member of equation (181*1) will be negative 
except when the system is relatively at rest, so that T R + W— %ao‘ 2 I must 
decrease indefinitely. If W— %co*I is an absolute minimum in the position of 
equilibrium, this condition can only be satisfied by T R being reduced to zero, 
and the system coming to rest in its position of equilibrium. But if IT— ^o> 2 / 
is not an absolute minimum in the configuration of equilibrium, there will be 
a possible motion in which W — ^w 2 / continually decreases while T R remains 
small at first, but may increase beyond limit when W — |g> 2 / is sufficiently 
decreased. The system is now in a restricted sense unstable. 
Instability of the kind just discussed is called “secular instability.” The 
conception of “secular instability” was first introduced by Thomson and 
Tait*. It has reference only to rotating systems or systems in a state of 
steady motion; for systems at rest secular stability becomes identical with 
ordinary stability. 
So long as W — |<w 2 / remains an absolute minimum the system is stable 
both secularly and ordinarily. At the moment at which W — \w 2 I ceases to 
be an absolute minimum, secular instability sets in, although the system may 
remain ordinarily stable. It follows that a system which is ordinarily stable 
may or may not be secularly stable, but a system which is ordinarily unstable 
is necessarily secularly unstable. 
Further, we see that as the physical conditions of a system gradually 
change, secular instability necessarily sets in before ordinary stability. Thus, 
for problems of cosmogony it is secular instability alone which is of interest. 
A system never attains to a configuration in which ordinary instability 
comes into operation, since secular instability must always have previously 
Mass rotating freely in space. 
183. We have so far considered only the case of a mass constrained to 
rotate with a constant angular velocity <w. Schwarzschildf has shewn that 
the conditions of secular stability assume a somewhat different form for a 
mass rotating freely in space. In this case the rate of rotation is not constant, 
* Nat. Phil., 2nd ed., vol. i, p. 391. 
t See Schwarzschild: “Die Poincarö’sche Theorie des Gleichgewichts.” Neue Annalen d. 
Sternwarte München, m. (1897), p. 275, or Inaugural Dissertation, München (1896).

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