Full text: Astronomy and cosmogony

428 Index of Names 
Cambridge : printed by photographic process for the university press 
Kreiken, 379 
Lamb, H., 201, 204, 210, 268, 286 
Lane, J. H., 65 
Laplace, 4, 70, 255, 265, 347, 353, 355, 357, 
397, 411, 412 
Leavitt, 11 
Lebedew, 37 
Liapounoff, 206, 222, 223 
Lindemann, 135 
Lockyer (Sir J. N.), 166 
Lundmark, 359, 380 
Maclaurin, 206, 209 
McLennan, 137 
Maunder, 283 
Maxwell, J. Clerk, 1, 37, 323 
Mayer, R., 109 
Melotte, 25 
,, (Chapman and), 14 
Menzel, 178 
Meyer, C. 0., 211 
Millikan, R. A., 35, 137 
Milne, E. A., 80, 84, 94 
,, (R. H. Fowler and), 50, 52, 53, 57 
Moore, 58 
,, (Campbell and), 28 
Moulton, F. R., 395 
,, (Chamberlin and), 399 
Münch, 41 
Newkirk, 27 
Newton (Sir Isaac), 7, 115, 352, 353, 415 
Nichols and Hull, 37 
Nicholson (Pettit and), 43, 47 
Nishina (Klein and), 139 
Nort, 18 
Nutting, 40, 46 
Ohlsson, 142 
Oort, 18 
Fahlen, van, 358 
Pannekoek, 17, 93 
Payne, 50, 52 
Pearce, 57 
Pease, 333, 338 
,, and Shapley, 25 
Perrin, 112, 113, 126 
Persico, 271 
Pettit and Nicholson, 43, 47 
Planck, 35 
Plaskett, 18, 28, 32, 41 
Plateau, 212 
Plummer, 25, 384 
Pogson, 30 
Poincarö, H., 67, 188, 192, 206, 215, 222, 223, 
248, 249, 204, 279, 320, 397 
Ptolemy, 6, 30 
Raab, 26 
Rasmuson, 375 
Redman, H. O., 63 
Reesinck, 387 
Reynolds, J. H., 358 
Ritter, 123 
Roberts, 289 
Roche, 225, 227, 229, 232, 243, 251, 255, 265 
Rosenberg, 41 
Rosseland, 84, 93, 138 
Rufus (Curtiss and), 152 
Russell, H. N., 23, 56, 62, 127, 168, 169, 170, 
185, 295, 313, 314 
,, Adams and Joy, 128, 167, 169 
„ Dugan, and Stewart, 46, 50, 54, 55 
Rutherford (Sir E.), 137 
Saha, M. N., 50, 63, 150 
Sampson, R. A., 41, 56, 57, 58, 79 
Scheiner, 41 
Schuster (Sir A.), 70 
Schwarzschild, 79, 199, 216, 222, 362, 379 
Seares, 17, 34, 46, 54, 56, 183, 303, 307, 308, 
316, 385 
,, and van Rhijn, 14, 370 
Seeliger, 6, 14 
Shajn, 328 
Shapley, H., 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 25, 289, 290, 
380, 383, 384, 386, 387, 390 
„ (Pease and), 25 
Slipher, 25, 333 
Smart, 328 
Stefan, 35 
Stewart (Russell, Dugan and), 46, 50, 54, 55 
Stromberg, 18 
Struve, 7 
Struve, Otto, 28, 57, 391 
Tait (Thomson and), 199, 210 
Thomson (Sir J. J.), 115 
Thomson (Sir W., Lord Kelvin), 199, 206, 210 
Trumpler, 377, 380, 381 
Turner, H. H., 6, 24, 366 
Van Maanen, 27, 59, 359 
van Pahlen, 358 
van Rhijn (Seares and), 14, 17 
van Salis (Kolhôrster and), 137 
v. Zeipel, 94 
Vogt, 118, 328, 392 
Voute, 289 
Walkey, 18 
Wegner, 80 
Wien, 35 
Wilsing, 41 
Wolf, 333 
Zessewitsch, 391

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