Correction of model deformations
If we have to acknowledge that the effective systematic de
formation of the optical model formed by relative and abso
lute orientation is, after all, due to a number of causes
still resisting quantification, it seems appropriate tp
develop a correction model having corresponding degrees of
freedom, the parameters of which can be determined from errors
at known control points. Nothing in the analytical-photo-
grammetric restitution process would impede the implementation
of that principle, and some first, promising approaches have
been made to eliminate systematic error causes in aerial tri-
angqlation nets in that way.
eliminate model deformations when using precision analogue
plotters, the Jena instrument designers have been following
that path, too. Compensation in the plotting equipment of
optical model deformations is being effected by an electrical
analogue computer both for planimetry and elevation. The
device has degrees of freedom that allow to generate mutually
independent cylindrical correction surfaces with x and y
as their axes and being either concave or convex. The combina
tion of both x and y corrections permits to generate ellip
soidal surfaces of any desired orientation. Apart from the
possibility to enter the operating parameters determining the
degrees of freedom (which requires the causes of the model
deformation to be known quantitatively), it is more important
that the correction surface can be generated empirically by
the elimination of discrepancies at control points of known
coordinates. Practical experiences gathered so far have
clearly confirmed the utility of the device and its highly
welcome universality, which is lacking in optical compen
sation plates r