Full text: The role of digital components in photogrammetric instrumentations

It is felt, however, that the concept will be applications where speed and 
ease of operation are critical factors. The Army, for example, is investi 
gating the possibility of applying the APPS concept to a near real-time 
positioning capability. In this application the stimulus imagery could be 
from a television camera which would be transmitted to an APPS facility. The 
image correlation and mensuration would be performed in a normal manner and 
the location and elevation of the selected points would be immediately 
available. There are a number of other applications to the concept, particu 
larly in inaccessible or poorly mapped areas. 
Conclusions - The following conclusions may be drawn from the APPS program: 
a. The APPS has proven to be a reliable, versatile and relatively 
inexpensive positioning system which has found applications in Army, Navy, 
and Air Force. 
b. The APPS meets all Field Army requirements for ease of operation, 
accuracy, size, weight, assembly time, and time to determine positions and 
c. The APPS was developed and tested in little over a year and is being 
produced and deployed on schedule. 
d. The highly successful APPS program has paved the way for the 
utilization of photogrammetry in many additional military and civilian 

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