1• Classic methods for point transfer
1.1 The most rigorous method for this purpose is to use
signalized tie points. However costs for field crews
are considerable.
1.2 Another method uses natural points (stones, tufts of grass..)
that can easily be identified on the photographs. Some
manufacturers offer point transfer devices which permit
to engrave a circular mark around around the selected
1.3 In Cctse that no natural points can be found, artificial
points must be marked by a mechanical device.
1 •k Three-stage-comparator permit point transfer without
mechanical dammage of the emulsion. However the price
for such an instrument is likely to be higher than for
an ordinary stereocomparator.
1,5 In order to avoid the disadvantages of the different
point transfer methods, Albertz, Kreiling, Wiesel
developed a block adjustment program which is based
on parallax measurements in overlapping photographs.
Point transfer is no more necessary.
2, Use of an analytical plotting instrument for point transfer
2.1 Principle
The conception of an analytical photogrammetrie instrument
permits to store coordinates of transfer points in core
№ mory of the control computer. When in course of strip
measurements photo 1 will be replaced by photo 3 , the
photo coordinates of tie points in photo 2 are still
available. This permits to move the floating mark