The panel provides the opportunity to select
a) the display of a coordinate on nixie tubes
(photo x* y* left or right)
(model xyz or ground)
b) the display of constants on nixie tubes
(c left, right, Cp, s x , Sy * > b, d for orientation)
c) the display of or i entât i on e1e rnents on nixie tubes
(bx, by, bz, k f( j>, Co left or right)
d) the selection of subroutines
(interior, relative, absolute-orientation) -
in steps I to 6 and compute)
e) the initiation of a certain programmed procedure by
pressing the initiate button.
The clear, replace, add buttons are supplemented by tape read
tape punch button for direct input/output operations.
A selection of the mode of plotting table output is furthermore
possible by a knob rotable in 3 positions (xy, xz and yz)
A. It is obvous that the complexity o f the control possibilities,
which is most convenient to the operator results in an awkvard
programming structure in which about 80 % of the software effort
will be spent to service the panel functions and only 20 % on
the photogrammetric task .
B. The task will be altogether more complicated since the
interrogation of the panel status will require interrelations
with many parts of the program, adresses have to be modified to
permit appropriate branching.