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The analytical plotter can be programmed to restitute the single
or double image orientation from the conditions or the control
contained in the model space. Such conditions as the equation of
a straight line, the knowledge of a fixed space angle, a fixed
space direction or the shape of a mathematically definable object
may be take:i into account.
Simple viewer modifications such as the addition of a manual zoom
control for the viewer optics may make the plotting more universal.
It has been demonstrated that the Analytical Plotter constitutes
a very flexible and versatile tool. The justification of its use
however lies in its capability to be adapted to do standard photo-
gramme trie tasks more efficiently with respect to time and cost.
This is not possible in a significant manner without reprogramming
for a certain application. The most important applications are:
the use as an aerial triangulator,
the use as a digital plotting device,
the use as a general terrestrial plotter.
The papers of Hr. Riidenauer and Mr. Keune will report about the
progress 'mode in this respe c t at the Technical University of
Hannover to date.