G„A«Zotov, A* !VUZhilkin
The development of the analytical methods of aerctriangu-
latyon and generation of the digital terrain models in the So
viet Union requires ab the first place digital coordinate re
gistration systems for universal stereoplotters, stereo and
mono-comparacors, instruments for picking up data from maps and
so on* Since the requirements imposed on such systems are con
siderably similar use can be made of a single versatile regist
ration system, featuring the following characteristics:
1 ) type of encoders used - linear displacement - code
angular rotation - code
2 ) number of coordinates simultaneously registered -
R, 3, 4
' 3 ) number of numerical positions - six decimal positions
*> dafca representation; decimal code readout panel; coor-
dinate cataloging on a wide paper tape: punctured tape using
MTK- 2 *codej magnetic tape#.
In accordance with the requirements the circuitry of such
registration system can be divided in the following basic com
ponent s:*
1 ) a digital encoder unit
2) a control unit
- 3 ) output recording devices.
The availability of a standard output , code and independ
ent encoder ^mit allows for the use of different types of enco
ders by replacing the matching circuit incorporated in the
system* The control unit alternately interrogates encoders and
converts their code into that of output recording devices,
which ar 3 listef belplv: 1 ) a digital readout panel, 2 ) a digi
tal printer, 3) a tape puncher, 4) a magnetic storage unit*
The control unit also provides for different operating modes of
the system v/here two, three or four encoders can be operated