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vectors are plotted followed by further quality assurance (QA)
procedures designed to ensure detail has been plotted faithfully
and that the specified CAD layering system has been adhered to.
The captured data can then be archived and digital drawings
and paper plots prepared. The final stage is the delivery of the
survey information in both paper and digital form (contained on
a CD), probably via post. The originator of the work will then
review the deliverables and perform a final QA phase.
The introduction of new techniques for metric survey requires
new workflows to be developed and the definition of new
appropriate specifications. How a new technique compares
with traditional techniques also needs to be considered. This
requires the critical evaluation of both the methods and
resulting data. For cultural-heritage recording any technique
that is capable of producing data similar to the current products
of floor plans, elevation plots and sections should be considered
for its potential to improve the efficiency of survey data
acquisition or improve the quality and value of the final product.
Laser scanning is one technique that currently shows potential
for being used for cultural-heritage recording. This paper
describes the use of two different laser scanning systems on
separate historic sites and describes the experiences of data
acquisition and processing in comparison to traditional
techniques. It also discusses how laser scanning would fit into
a contemporary survey workflow.
These projects were undertaken with a survey based approach
to laser scanning, typified by the use of control data and the
type of structures (e.g. subjects typical of the type that would be
surveyed using current methods). The methodology used for
the scanning in both projects can be likened to the
photogrammetric flow-line described above. In addition to the
collection of control data using terrestrial survey methods, the
flow-line includes a registration phase (akin to stereomodel
orientation) where the raw scans are brought onto a common
coordinate system, data archiving phases and QA phases where
the scan data is assessed for its quality. Unlike
photogrammetry, however, no defined product exists for laser
scanning and so for the projects described below the end-
product was specified as point clouds registered to a common
control scheme. The production of final end-products was then
pursued following the data capture stage.
2.1. The Ashby Castle site
Ashby Castle was originally converted from a wooden Norman
fort to a more substantial stone building in around 1160. After
several changes of ownership its possession reverted to the
crown in 1461, followed in a few years by the construction of
many domestic buildings and the largest structure on the site,
Hastings Tower. During the English civil war the castle was
captured by parliamentarian forces and, in common with other
captured fortifications of the time, Hastings Tower was
rendered unusable (Batt, 2000). Preservation work began in the
19 th Century and the castle is now in the care of English
Heritage. The south façade of the remains of Hastings Tower
was selected as a test site to be laser scanned; it is
approximately 24 metres in height and over 10 metres wide. A
considerable amount of depth is present on this façade as it
includes not only the interior wall but also the remains of two
wall end-sections which protrude up to four meters from the
main wall, as shown in Figure 1. The most appropriate method
of recording this structure for redevelopment or conservation
activities would be digital photogrammetry based on a local site
coordinate system, producing rectified photography,
orthorectified photography, or line drawings. In this project
features of interest include a fireplace at the top of the tower
which would be inaccessible by current recording techniques
without specialist equipment - measurement of these areas by
photogrammetry would require access via a hydraulic lift or
scaffolding. The tower is considered by English Heritage a
typical United Kingdom cultural-heritage site that would
require close range recording.
2.2. Laser scanning
Figure 1. Hastings Tower, Ashby Castle.
The scanner used at Ashby Castle was a Riegl LMS Z210
instrument. It is a pulsed time-of-flight scanner with a
maximum range of 450 metres depending on the reflectivity of
the target (Riegl, 2002). In this project, emphasis was placed
on a quantitative assessment of the instrument; therefore,
scanning was performed at three different ranges from the face
of the main façade 30m, 50m and 80m, rather than
concentrating on collecting a complete description of the tower.
As part of this evaluation process a large number of reflective
targets were used to assess the precision and accuracy of the
scanner - further details can be found in Mills and Barber
( 2002 ).
The remaining description considers the scans performed at
30m (in this case providing a scan with an average resolution,
on the main wall, of 50mm). The instrument is quoted as
providing a single point accuracy of approximately +/- 26mm.
The size of the laser footprint at 30 metres is 90mm. In
addition to the capture of XYZ data the scanner also records a
RGB value for each point using a one pixel CCD sensor which
allows the scan data to be viewed as a colour image in addition
to an intensity image, based on the strength of the returning
pulse (Figure 2), or as a range image. Scanner control is
provided by a laptop computer running proprietary software
with the progress of the scan displayed as a 2D image while the
scan is running. The Riegl system offers an averaging routine
whereby several individual scans can be performed and used to
create one averaged scan. In this case 12 scans were used to
create an averaged result. The resulting scan had a field of
view of 80 by 50 degrees and consisted of over 300 000 points.
Registration of the scan to a common coordinate system was
made possible through the use of retro-reflective targets which
were located on the local site grid using theodolite intersection
from two stations.