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moiré technique and would be complemented by a similar
device based on the principles of digital (terrestrial)
photogrammetry. This project is named OSIRIS (Optical
Systems for Interferometric-Photogrammetric Relief
Investigation and Scanning), in reference to Ancient Egypt's
heritage, whose study was at the root of the above mentioned
researches*. For the different kinds of use in the field of
Archaeology and Art History, the following conditions have
been defined:
Depth resolution: 0.1 mm; lateral resolution: 0.3 mm
Depth range: 10 cm
Adaptation of the sensing geometry to depth gradients
distribution (that will define the best compromise between
acquisition resolution, focal distance and object - camera
Acquisition surface: 1 m 2
Adaptation to on site working conditions (temperature,
Flexibility and easiness of transport and use
Complete processing software (acquisition, multiple 3D
visualisation possibilities, modeling, metrology, computer
assisted interpretation, automatic features extraction, 3D
database conception and constitution, ...)
Since these conditions are very demanding in comparison with
the capabilities of already available 3D recording devices, other
fields of application are under consideration.
The present results of the OSIRIS Project allow us to imagine
for the near future new possibilities for scholarly publication of
ancient monuments, i. e. in an interactive digital 3D virtual
reality, directly usable for scientific researches, as if one was
actually in front of the real object.
Assmann J., Burkard G., Davies V. 1987. Problems and
Priorities in Egyptian Archaeology. Londres and New York.
Bell L.D. 1987. The Epigraphic Survey: the philosophy of
egyptian epigraphy after sixty years' practical experience. In
Assmann J., Burkard G., Davies V. 1987, pp. 43-55.
Clarke T. 1998. Simple scanners reveal shape, size and texture.
Optic Laser Europe , april, pp. 29-32
Loeben C.E. 1996. Anmerkungen zu jüngsten Arbeiten
ägyptischer Epigraphik. ARCUS - Berichte aus Archäologie,
Baugeschichte und Nachbar gebieten, 3, pp. 15-27.
Taubes G. 1999. Virtual Masterpiece. Computer Modeling of a
Michelangelo Sculpture. Think Research, 1, pp. 6-9.
Traunecker C. 1987. Les techniques d'epigraphie de terrain.
Principes et pratique. In Assmann J., Burkard G, Davies V.
1987, pp. 261-298.
It is a pleasure for us to thank the following institutions for their
financial support to the OSIRIS project:
- The Communauté Française of Belgium (Action de Recherche
Concertée entitled "Pour une histoire matérielle de l'Art")
- The Région Wallonne (DGTRE - First Spin Off project)
Our attendance at the Corfu Workshop was made possible
thanks to the support of the Communauté Française of Belgium.
* Furthermore, Osiris is precisely the Ancient Egyptian god of
periodical and cyclical phenomenon.