interactive processing (e.g. when extracting measurements,
intersections or orthophotos) as well as for using it for
visualization purposes and animations. There are two different
issues with meshing: triangulation, which creates the initial
mesh from the point data and mesh simplification, which
reduces the amount of data.
4.4.1 Triangulation
There are different approaches to triangulating scan data:
• Per scan triangulation based on the 2D grid provided by
the scanner. In this case, triangulation is relatively easy as
the neighbourhood relations are given by the 2D grid. The
only challenge for the algorithm is to disconnect the mesh
along depth discontinuities. The main problem with per
scan triangulation is that the meshes from different scans
need to be merged after triangulation, which can be a
difficult task, in particular if we have a cluttered scene
rather than a single object (Turk, 92).
• Triangulation based on the 3D point cloud. Several
algorithms exist that directly triangulate the multi scan
point cloud (Bemadini, 99; Lorensen, 87). However, it is
often a challenging task to achieve satisfying results,
especially for a cluttered scene with high dynamic range.
Vertices of the resulting meshes usually do not directly
correspond the measured points and the resolution of the
original scan might get lost during the triangulation.
As for the registration, each algorithm has its advantages in
certain situations and therefore the processing software should
offer both possibilities to the user. As the currently available
automatic algorithms often produce erroneous results from the
complex and noisy raw data, the system should also include
some tools for mesh editing.
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Figure 3: Snapshot of the 3DVeritas application showing a point
cloud of the Nurgahe model and a zoom into the
resulting multi-resolution mesh.
4.4.2 Mesh simplification
One reason for meshing is to reduce the amount of data.
Therefore, the meshing algorithm should include simplification
of the mesh. Several algorithms exist that compress the mesh
data while minimising the loss of information (Garland, 97;
Cignoni, 98). Generally it can be said that a trade-off has to be
made between the quality of the resulting mesh (how close is
the mesh to the original data for a given amount of triangles)
and the time to compute the simplified mesh. Figure 3 shows a
point cloud of the Nurgahe data set and a detail of the resulting
multi-resolution mesh. A loss of information is unavoidable at a
certain point of compression, therefore the ideal algorithm
builds a continuous hierarchy of mesh details, which allows to
access a low-count mesh when possible while still having
access to the high detail mesh when necessary (Hoppe, 96). This
allows working with huge mesh interactively while still having
access to the full resolution of the original scan.
4.5 Texture processing
The purpose of texture processing is to integrate the 3D
measurements from the laser scanner with 2D information taken
with an external or internal camera. The 2D images are usually
taken within the visible spectrum, but can also be from the non-
visible spectrum. The purpose for applying texture to the 3D
data is manifold:
• Intuitive interaction with the acquired data.
• For visualisation and animation purposes.
• To add information which is not present in the 3D data
(decay of material, frescos, etc).
• Increasing the resolution of the data.
4.5.1 Camera calibration
In order to project a 3D point into an image and thus assign a
colour value, the software needs to know the external and
internal camera parameters. The external parameters are the
translation and rotation of the camera relative to the global
reference frame, the internal parameters vary according to the
mathematical model that is used to describe the camera. The
simplest model (Tsai, 87) uses 5 parameters (focal length,
centre of project, pixel aspect ratio and 1 st degree radial
distortion). There are different ways to obtain the required
• Data sheet. The manufacturer usually specifies the internal
parameters on the data sheet. However, for a non-metric
camera, these values are usually not precise enough
accurate texture mapping. For a scanner with an in-built
camera, the relative position between camera and laser (i.e.
the external camera parameters) are also known a-priori.
Again, the accuracy of the values is usually not enough for
high-quality mapping, additionally the quality of the
images itself is usually fairly low. However, it can be
sufficient for simple visualisation purposes and to improve
the interaction with the data.
• Pre-calibration. The internal parameters can be computed
for a specific camera using standard computer vision
algorithms, which process images taken of a calibration
object. Once calibrated, the internal parameters can be
used for the mapping of further images. Naturally, the
external parameters cannot be pre-calibrated.
• Calibration from the range data. The external (and internal
if necessary) parameters for each image can be calibrated
using the 3D point cloud or the corresponding mesh. The
calibration algorithm needs a set of corresponding 2D
coordinates from the image and 3D coordinates from the
point cloud to compute the required parameters. A simple
algorithm uses user-interaction to identify the point
correspondences. More advanced algorithms use computer
vision techniques to automatically identify matching
features in the rgb and range images.
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