Full text: Proceedings of the CIPA WG 6 International Workshop on Scanning for Cultural Heritage Recording

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nipfl" Committee for Documentation 
of Cultural Heritage 
is one of the oldest international scientific committees of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments 
and Sites), established in collaboration with ISPRS (International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Its main purpose is the improvement of all methods for surveying of cultural monuments and sites, 
specially by synergy effects gained by the combination of methods under special consideration of 
photogrammetry with all its aspects, as an important contribution to recording and perceptual 
monitoring of cultural heritage, to preservation and restoration of any valuable architectural or 
other cultural monument, object or site, as a support to architectural, archaeological and other art- 
historical research. 
ISPRS and ICOMOS created CIPA (1969-2001: Comité international de la photogrammétrie architecturale) 
because they both believe that a monument can be restored and protected only when it has been fully 
measured and documented and when its development has been documented again and again, i.e. moni 
tored, also with respect to its environment, and stored in proper heritage information and management 
systems. In order to accomplish this mission, CIPA will: 
• establish links between architects, historians, archaeologists, conservationists, inventory experts 
and specialists in photogrammetry and remote sensing, building surveying, spatial information 
systems, CAAD, computer graphics and other related fields (Framework of CIPA Links); 
• organise and encourage the dissemination and exchange of ideas, knowledge, experience and 
the results of research and development (CIPA Expert Groups and CIPA Mailing List); 
• establish contacts with and between the relevant institutions and companies which specialise in 
the execution of photogrammétrie surveys or in the manufacture of appropriate systems and in 
struments (Board of Sustaining Members); 
• initiate and organise conferences, symposia, specialised colloquia, workshops, tutorials, practical 
sessions and specialised courses (CIPA Events); 
• initiate and co-ordinate applied research and development activities (CIPA Working and Task 
• undertake the role of scientific and technical expert for specific projects (CIPA Expert Advisory 
• organise a network of National and Committee Delegates (CIPA Board of Delegates); 
• submit an annual report on its activities to the ICOMOS Bureau (Secretary General) and the 
ISPRS Council (Secretary General) and publish it in the internet (Annual Reports); 
• publish also its Structure, its Statutes and Guidelines in the internet (CIPA web pages). 
CIPA experts groups and working fields: 
Applications : A1 - Recording, Documentation and Information Management - Principles and Practices; 
A2 - Architectural and Industrial Conservation; A3 - Archaeological Conservation, Geophysical 
prospection, Underwater Heritage and Museum Objects; A4 -Urban and Landscape Conser 
vation; A5 - Risk Preparedness 
Techniques: T1 - Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; T2 - Building Surveying ; T3 - CAD/CAAD (Com 
puter Aided Architectural Design); T4 - Heritage Information Systems; T5 - Visualization and 
Virtual Reality 
Welcome to CIPA homepage: http://cipa.icomos.org

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