status. The Cyrax had shown strange effects during outdoors
night-time scans in complete darkness, and surprisingly loosing
points on some materials. The answer to this was not given
before the tests took place. The ILRIS-3D had been delivered to
the Swedish Defence Research Agency in a rush and had not
been perfectly calibrated by Optech before delivery.
1.2 Pulsed time of flight laser ranging
All three systems included in the test make use of pulsed time
of flight (TOF) laser ranging, probably the most obvious
method of operating a laser ranging system because the actual
time of flight is measured directly. Time measurement is
performed by accurately measuring the time of flight of the
laser pulse from exiting the laser, reflect off the object,
returning to the laser, detected by the system and stopping the
time of measurements. Knowing the speed of light and
multiplying with half the travel time gives the actual distance to m
the object. One advantage of using pulsed light is the possibility
of transmitting a high amount of energy in a very short time,
which limits the influence of background noise. However, very
accurate systems require short pulses and going to short pulses
limits the possible amount of energy in the pulse. The basic
problem of a TOF laser ranging system is to detect exactly the
arrival time of the reflected light pulse. A fast time measuring
device and good signal processing increases distance
measurement accuracy. Looking at some specific continuos
wave laser ranging systems the pulsed systems is comparably
slow due to the relatively low repetition rates for the pulses.
2.1 Testing facilities
The tests were realised at the Swedish Defence Research
Agency in Linköping, indoors in a room suitable for testing
measurements over relatively long distances. Lightning
condition was uniform for the whole test range, and with the
light from fluorescent (strip) lighting switch on. The
temperature and humidity in the room was normal and well
within the specified limits for the systems used in the tests. The
air was normal and free from possible dust interfering with the
2.2 System specification
Three different high-resolution ground based laser-scanning
systems were included in the tests: One Cyrax 2500, recently
acquired by the University of Gavle, one Optech Ilris 3-D and
one Riegl LMS-Z210. The systems from Optech and Riegl were
placed at the test disposal by the Laser Systems department at
the Swedish Defence Research Agency in Linköping.
As a reference, one reflectorless measuring Trimble 5600 Total
Station, owned by the University of Gavle, was used.
2.2.1 Cyrax 2500
The University of Gavle, Sweden, owns the Cyrax 2500 used in
the tests. The scanner was purchased late 2001 for use in
research, especially in the built environment, and in special
education programmes.
The basic components of the Cyrax system are the scan head, a
specially design tripod, a power box, the laptop computer and
specially design targets. The scan head consist of the actual
laser scanner and a CCD camera and is connect as a unit to the
specially design fork mount. The fork mount gives the
possibilities to easily pan and tilt the scan head in a proper
position to the targeted area. The Cyrax system is powered by a
specially designed power box and can either operate from AC
line power connected to the box our from up to two batteries
installed in the box. Fully charged two batteries are expected to
power the system for up to 8 hours.
The Cyrax uses a pulsing, passively Q-switched green laser that
scan the object as a cloud of point. This point cloud is a
representation of actual object’s surface in three dimensions.
High-speed motorised mirrors deflect the laser pulse as it exits
the system and sweeps the laser over the object. The Cyrax is
capable of scanning up 1000 points per second and with a
single-point position accuracy of ±6 mm.
With help of a laptop computer connected to the system and the
Cyrax Cyclone software, the scanner functionality is controlled.
Furthermore, the Cyclone software provides powerful tools for
e.g. modelling, meshing and measuring of distances within the
point cloud. The Cyclone software also includes tools for
importing of other scanner systems data as well as tools for
exporting of data. It is also possible to export modelled objects
to common CAD software, e.g. to AutoCad and Microstation.
The Cyrax 2500 is the latest version of high-resolution ground
based laser-scanning systems from Cyra Technologies.
Development of the Cyrax system was a joint project between
Cyra Technologies, Los Alamos National Laboratory and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lincoln
Laboratory. The Los Alamos Physics Division developed the
precise time measuring circuit, Cyra Technologies was
responsible for developing the software for the system, today
the software package Cyclone, and MIT Lincoln Laboratory
developed the laser for the system. Since February 2001 Cyra
Technologies Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leica
Geosystems AG.
2.2.2 Optech ILRIS-3D
Swedish Defence Research Agency and its Laser Systems
department became an owner of one Optech ILRIS-3D system
in middle of year 2001. The Laser Systems department was one
of the first buyers of ILRIS-3D system.
The ILRIS-3D has a distance measuring accuracy close to what
can be achieved with the Cyrax system. It is twice as fast as the
Cyrax both much slower than the Riegl system. The system is
controlled with help of a hand held PDA and measured data are
stored on ATA flash cards. This eliminates the need for a laptop
computer during field operation. However, back in the office
data needs to be downloaded from flash cards to a computer for
further processing. The system also includes tools for exporting
of data.
2.2.3 Riegl LMS-Z210
Swedish Defence Research Agency and its Laser Systems
department has been an owner of the LMS-Z210 system for
some years. The system is a rugged and fully portable sensor
especially designed for the rapid acquisition of high-quality
distance measurements under high demanding environmental
conditions. The LMS-Z210 records not only position and
intensity values but also a RGB value for each measured point.
The speed of the system is considerably faster than both the
ILRIS-3D and the Cyrax, but the distance measuring accuracy