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Claude E. Borg and Joseph A. Cannataci*
Key words. Laser Scanning; Theodolite Total Station; Close-Range Photogrammetry; Hybrid Approach; Cultural-Heritage; Metric
Propagation Error
The use of digital technology for measuring and recording three-dimensional shapes of high morphological complexity, as in the case
of the pre-historic temples in Malta, offers a lasting and faithful virtual record that can be used by future researchers. This paper dis
cusses an integrated system, based on the accuracy of the theodolite, and the technologies of laser scanning and photogrammetry by
maximizing the data collection capacity of each instrument. This hybrid system overcomes limitations encountered when using solely
photogrammetry or laser scanning. Photogrammetry used in combination with laser scanning leads to a more cost-effective and less
time-consuming project. Using photogrammetry in combination with the laser scanner overcomes the metric error propagation
which is generated when using laser scanning alone. This data acquisition and processing system can be applied to a wide range of
applications; from the documentation of historical buildings, artefacts and monuments to site and engineering surveys.
* Claude E. Borg mailto:clmatmar@waldonet.net.mt is the Assistant Director responsible for the Documentation Division of the Malta Centre for Restoration (MCR).
Dr. J.A. Cannataci ¡oseph.cannataci@um.edu.mt is Chairman of the MCR’s Board of Governors and Head of the Law & Information Technology Research Unit of
the University of Malta
1. Introduction
The concept underlying this paper was developed as part of the
preparatory work underlying the establishment of the 3D Imag
ing Department (3DID) of the Documentation Division of the
Malta Centre for Restoration (MCR) in the second half of 2001.
The issue arose when determining the extent of precision attain
able with the digital photogrammetry and laser scanning equip
ment which was being evaluated by 3DID for procurement. It
was noted that in their 2001 Case study on Donatello’s Madda-
lena, Beraldin, Guidi et al. 1 had chosen digital photogrammetry
over a 3D range camera as a reference measurement system
because the former had promised a 0.2mm accuracy range over
a 2mm accuracy range for the cloud points produced by the
range camera scanning system and this in a statue which is ap
proximately 180 cm high. The metric error propagation in the
3D range camera scanning system was induced by the require
ment to “stitch” 2 together several scans of the same object in
order to produce a complete 3D model. Beraldin et. al resolved
the problem by using non-impeding optical targets placed
around the object to obtain reference points for the digital pho
togrammetry to operate with.
One of the primary applications of 3D imaging for MCR is that
of surveying relatively large megalithic temple complexes and
other architectural edifices where the necessity of stitching sev
eral scans together was evident ab initio. Therefore the issue of
metric error propagation was immediately taken into account
when planning 3DID’s systems since the procurement of hard
ware and software for both digital photogrammetry and laser
1 J.-A. Beraldin, G.Guidi, S.Ciofi & C. Atzeni, Improvement of Met
ric Accuracy of Digital 3D through Digital Photogrammetry. A case
study: Donatello’s Maddalena,
http://www.vit.iit.nrc.ca/References/NRC-44911 .pdf
2 “Stitching” denotes the assembly, automated or manual, of several
single scans of a site or an object to produce one single 3D model of
a large site or artefact.
scanning was undertaken simultaneously as part of a holistic
approach to documentation solutions in the cultural heritage
It was clear that MCR’s intention to use the 3D surveying sys
tems for complex temple sites as opposed to single statues
posed additional problems to those inherent in the case study
tackled by Beraldin et. al. In large-scale close-range photo
grammetry, such as that required for a temple site, it was obvi
ous that the photogrammetrical exercise alone would also re
quire the “stitching” together of many images thus risking met
ric error propagation without even considering the probems of
the 3D range camera. On the other hand, at least one of the
leading contenders for the MCR’s laser scanning system relied
on targets whose geometry was accurately known and recog
nised by the restitution software which in turn used the targets
(in this case spheres) to stitch scans together even in an auto
mated manner. Would these targets afford MCR the time
saving cost-effective data collection method that it was seeking
i.e. would it enable the laser scan data and the photogrammetri
cal data to be gathered in one single data acquisition session
with, preferably, only one set of targets in place? This com
bined data acquisition was notionally an attractive process since
it was clear that however reliable photogrammetry may be for
metric accuracy, it could never match the detailed surface mod
elling that was possible using the cloud of points produced by a
laser scanner. This was especially true for the first main appli
cation area i.e. that of Malta’s megalithic temples. These offer a
mix of a large number of regular and irregular shaped stones as
the main constituents of the building fabric with a stone surface
often richly textured due to weathering and erosion. What MCR
should be looking for therefore was a system that combined
together the best of both worlds, the speed and detail of the laser
scanner with the metric accuracy of digital photogrammetry.
These functional specifications were also necessary since the
MCR’s client wished that the survey was non-task specific i.e.of