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Flight line and attitude of the ER-2 aircraft: The x,y, and z of the aircraft needs to be known as a first step. For the
1991 European flight the information results from an unaided LTN90-116 INS navigation system with a position
accuracy of 0.9 nmi/h (Perrin, 1993). These data are not accurate enough for the current approach. Therefore,
ADOUR radar mesarurements are used as an alternative. The description of the attitude of the aircraft is based on
the x from the navigation data and the to and $ from the instrument data.
Current observation geometry: The basic idea is shown in Figure 3 and described in more detail by Larson et al.
Aircraft leveled Aircraft rotated
Figure - 3: Observation geometry: The left part shows an ideal situation with plane being leveled (roll to = 0 ,
pitch x = 0°, and yaw e = 0 °. The right side demonstrated the influence of attitude changes related
to co, x, 0 * 0 .
The effort is to obtain the underlying surface out of the well-known location (=flight line) and the current attitude
of the aircraft. The position vector x c Represents the location of pixel (c,r) in the aircraft coordinate system (x,y,z)
at the instant the pixel was acquired by the instrument and for the ideal case where p = <(> = x = °° (Figure 3, left
[( maxP - FOV~\.
[,an Ll c —2—
( 1 )
where c= pixel number of pixel (c,r) within line r of the raw image, maxP =maximum number of pixels per line
(614), FOV=Field of View (in rad), and z x =altitude of ER-2 for the current x and y. The pixel wise calculation
of the actual pointing direction includes correction of the panoramic distortion. The vector X c r is modified by
rotations about the to, <j>, and x axis (vector X cr Figure 3, right side). The transformed position vector X cr is com
puted as follows:
x" cr
l -x -<t>
X 1 -to X c r .
<(> to 1 ,
( 2 )
Situation on surface: The topography causes a shift in the apparent pixel location, and affects the pixel size. The
goal is now to find the intersection between the pixel location vector x i; . and the surface of the DEM. Within the
neighborhood around the transformed pixel location vector x j; ., a test vector X’j is searched for, which converges
to X,