0.0136. The biases show some trends that probably correspond to residual calibration problems not accounted
for (change in detectors, non linearity,...). The rmse presented as a function of wavelength is quite flat and low,
in the range 0.005 and 0.02. This means that the spectra are reconstructed faithfully using the estimated values
of the 6 canopy biophysical variables.
1 r
0.8 i
0.6 I
0 L
20 40 60 80
6 ,
0.8 i
0.6 \
0.4 i
0.2 -
0 50 100
0.6 |
0.4 |
0.2. Ir* l
„UlL !
0 0.05 0.1
Figure 3. Distribution of the estimated values of the leaf structure index (N), the average leaf inclination (0,),
the hot-spot parameter (s). the leaf area index {LAI), chlorophyll concentration (C ah ) and water equivalent
thickness {C w ).
Z 6 '
I S-
■ X
0 07-
• 5» * '
2 ' ■ .-vt
0 06-
0 07-
Figure 4. Comparison between measured canopy variables and the values estimated through model inversion
using the 188 AVIR1S bands. Dots, stars and crosses correspond respectively to natural soils, white and black
backgrounds. The symbols for plots with LA1> 0.5 are inscripted in a circle.