Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

figure 7: Temporal evolution of MSAVI (o), o 0 (x) in db, B ( *) in db, A*50 (+) in db/dg. Scaling factor MSAVI*50-18. 
Except for some responses due to rain events, the temporal evolution of these data are similar (figure 7). 
The linear regression between cr 0 , B and MSAVI gave for the angle range [30°,40°]: 
o 0 = 28.68*MSAVI-19.62 with r 2 = 0.97 and SEE = 0.514 
B = 20.51 »MSAVI-14.65 with ^ = 0.7 and SEE =1.15 
Where r 2 is the correlation coefficient and SEE the standard error of estimate. For the angle range [40°,50°] we 
ct 0 = 23.545*MSAVI-19.47 with r 2 = 0.88 and SEE = 0.54 
The relationship with B is not good in that case. On the other hand it appears that, contrary to our expectation, 
[30°,40°] range is better adapted to monitoring biomass than [40°,50°]. To understand this point a modeling 
effort is necessary. Besides, the results obtained with B are less good. A possible reason may be the 
assumptions made (constant roughness and negiigeable influence of soil moisture). Which means that they 
should be taken into account 
The empirical model [16] is developed in term of ks (k is the wave number and s the rms height) and soil 
moisture through the relative dielectric constant Its validity conditions include angular range above 20° for 
smooth surface, soil moisture up to 31(%vol) and roughness parameters (ks) ranging from 0.1 to 6. The 
empirical expression for bare soil is : 
a 0 (6, e r ,ks) = g*cos 3 0*(7v(0)+Yh(O))/P w 
Where g = 0.7*(l-exp(-0.65*(ks) lft ) 
p 1/2 = l-(2»0/7t) 1/3 * 1r »*exp(-ks) 
0 = incidence angle 
Ej = Relative dielectric constant [17] 
Y 0 = Fresnel reflectivity of surface at nadir. 
Y v and Yh, vertically and horizontally polarized Fresnel reflectivities of the surface. 
By applying this expression on April May WSC data with ks = 1.2 (we assume homogeneous surface) and sm 
(soil moisture) = 0.9 (%vol), we obtained figure 8. Because the model was developed for smooth surface with 
0>2O°, we can not use it with 0 outside this range. This explains our simulated results below this angle.

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