note that decreases in NDV1 relating to changes in vegetation status, whilst possibly sudden, will persist for a
number of days, during which re-growth will be relatively slow. From a given date of the time series, the
authors search forward and accept the following date, within the next 30 days, if the variations of NDVI
between both dates lie in an acceptable range. Dijk et al. (1987) reduce the radiometric disturbances in the
GVI data by smoothing the vegetation index time profiles by statistical filters disregarding the cause of the
disturbances. Gutman (1991) develops an empirical viewing angle correction of AVHRR data, which is valid,
however, only for a given range of Sun angles and for a particular surface type (Kansas prairie). Paltridge and
Mitchell (1990) operate rough atmospheric, Sun and view angle corrections on a set of AVHRR data on an
other particular surface type (grasslands at Victoria, Australia). Kimes and Deering (1992) propose to
reconstruct hemispherical reflectance (albedo) using multiple off-nadir view angles measurements taken in a
single azimuth plane ('strings of data'), such as those from the AVHRR, and a knowledge-based expert system
which extrapolates the measurements to all uncovered azimuth and view angles.
At the exception of the work of Paltridge and Mitchell (1990), none of the mentioned methods
corrects the data simultaneously from Sun and view angles. Consequently, the reflectances obtained by the
compositing procedure can not easily be compared in space and time, and this limits their potential use.
We describe here first the principle of methods based on the application of surface bidirectional reflectance
models on data sets of atmospherically corrected reflectances, and then briefly review some recent work
applying such methods, for vegetation monitoring on the one hand, and surface albedo extraction on the other
hand. A short discussion on atmospheric corrections follows.
3.1 - Principle
Unlike most methods described in § 2, there is here an attempt to separate on a physical basis the respective
contributions of the atmosphere and of the surface in the observed reflectance. This implies that instrumental
calibration should be of high accuracy and that atmospheric corrections should be performed as accurately as
possible. Accurate and fast atmospheric correction algorithms exist, such as the 5S (Tanr6 et al., 1990) or the
SMAC codes (Rahman and Dedieu, 1994). The accuracy of atmospheric corrections depends on that of input
data descriptive of the atmosphere, such as the aerosols, water vapor, and ozone column densities, and aerosol
phase functions, rather than on the accuracy of the algorithms themselves (see § 3.4).
Assume that a series of atmospherically corrected reflectances {R;, i = 1, n)has been acquired, in a
given spectral band, during a given period called period of composition (say, 1 month), each measurement
being associated with sun and view zenith angles 8 J( and 9 VI - , and azimuth angles <(>,• between Sun and view
directions. A least-squares regression is then applied between the (R^, i = 1, n) and a series of values {R^j, i
= 1, n), where R^ (0 f ,0 v ,<5)is an analytical model of bidirectional reflectance of the surface, which reads
^mod (9» >®v > < t ) ) = /(9f >9y >§'^0 >^1 (1)
and where
•^modi = ^mod (®ji >®vi > < t ) i )■ (2)
In Eq. (1), f is an analytical function of the geometric angles and of a number of parameters kQ,k\,...,k m . The
parameters {kj , j = 0, m}, are retrieved as a result of the regression between model and observations. The
process may be repeated by displacing the period of composition by a certain amount, which may be called the
sampling period of the compositing process (say, 15 days for example). As a result the reflectance time series
is replaced by time series of the parameters kj , with a degraded temporal resolution equal to the sampling
period. The sampling period can not be taken much smaller than the period of composition, since the
regression in the period of composition acts more or less as a low pass filter which removes high frequency
temporal fluctuations of reflectance. Not much information is available at the sampling frequency when the
sampling period is chosen too small.
In turn, tii
according to Eqs.
residue 5, given by
is sufficiently smal
parameters are usee
The corrected refle
and sun directions
direct albedo (refle
diffuse albedo (dire
32 - Vegetation m
This technique has
1989, on 7 test sites
Leroy and Roujean
equal to 30 days an
Holben et al. (1990
(comparison of rai
predetermined valu<
optical depth is der
the test sites, and th
from a meteorologi
provides on a 30 kn
The choser
Roujean et al. (1992
where fj and f 2 are j
has been designed si
surface reflectance
reflectance mention
Lambertian charact
representations of t
canopies and bare s
dependence of the s
made to reduce the
parameters (ko, ki, 1
The results
sites in the visible ai
(ii) modelled surfac
modelled reflectanci
the observed surface
due to directional ef
appropriate to descr
aspect and filter out
other sites is that
especially when the
since ko (a surface re