Various definitions of "canopy temperature" can be explored and calculated with an appropri
ate soil-plant-atmosphere model such as Cupid. The following temperature definitions can be
classified into three different categories: Kinetic temperature, radiative temperature and aero
dynamic temperature. The kinetic temperature, which we might refer to as the "true" temper
ature, is defined thermodynamically in terms of the kinetic energy of molecules. The radiative
temperature usually is derived from a measurement of thermal radiance or flux density and
represents a balance of radiative fluxes; it can be closely related to the true temperature of the
radiating surface but is influenced by surface properties and external radiation sources. This
radiative temperature may depend on wavelength considerations of the sensor and directional
ity (directional versus hemispherical). The aerodynamic temperature is a fictitious temperature
that is derived from a surface energy balance or extrapolation of the air temperature profile
to the canopy displacement height, and it may not actually exist or be measurable except for
smooth surfaces.
Aerodynamic Temperature A temperature obtained by extrapolating the air temperature pro
file to an apparent canopy height given by the displacement
height plus the roughness length, which is typically about 3/4
the canopy height. If the roughness length for momentum is
used, then the extrapolated temperature is a momentum aero
dy namic temperature and if the roughness for heat is used, then
the extrapolated temperature is a thermal aerodynamic tempera
ture .
A general nonspecific term referring to aerodynamic temperature
or directional infrared temperature usually made from a view
angle oblique to the surface so that vegetation dominated the
IRT field-of-view minimizing the effect of soil. Use of this
term usually implies that directional and hemispherical, broad
band and narrowband infrared temperatures and aerodynamic
temperature are all equal.
A temperature that assumes the surface to be a Lambertian Black
Body. It is obtained by equating the measured radiance with the
integral over wavelength of the Planck’s Black Body function
times the sensor response, then inverting this equation for the
temperature in the Planck’s function. This requires specification
of wavelength interval, direction and whether the observation is
immediately above the surface or above the atmosphere from a
Emissivity of a surface from a particular view direction, which
may be estimated as the ratio of the actual radiance from the
surface to the radiance that would occur if all conditions were
the same except that the elements of the surface were Black
Bodies. This is appropriate for satellite observations (usually
10-12 pm) and ground observations (usually 8-14 pm), but care
must be taken in comparing these because of atmospheric effects
and wavelength differences.
Canopy Temperature
Directional Brightness
Directional Emissivity