Figure 6 : Plot of the surface reflectance in channel 3 over sunglint.
Also reported, comparisons with theoretical computations for several wind speed
Figures 7: Retrieval of the aerosol optical thickness assuming the wind speed found by channel 3.
We performed the same procedure with the 4 other scenes. Figure 8 gives the results of the reflectance using a
wind speed as deduced Figure 6 . Figures 9 show the retrieved reflectances assuming a constant optical thickness
for each scene. The good agreement between the computations and the measurements shows first the good
retrieval of the reflectance in channel 3 and water vapor from T 4 and T 5 . It also demonstrates that it is possible
to retrieve aerosol optical thickness over the sunglint.
Figure 8 : Comparisons for 5 scenes between retrieved reflectance
and computation using the wind speed.
Figure 9: Comparisons for 5 scenes between measured and computed reflectance
assuming a constant aerosol optical thickness and wind speed for each scene.