m in Hg. 1, where re-
h those from a Green
' the species. The phy-
it 690 nm 740 nm re
lish between the two
tration (c > 1 g/1) usu-
>n emitted by the pig-
n detection, we meas-
ge. Significant results
jreen species, respec-
edally in the case of
R 0 (660)/RamanlH30)
j." LI TH R,( 690)/Raman( H 2 0)
c? 5
-0.40 J
v :
o ;
~ 0.20 ]
U 8 "
Concentration (mg/1)
Fig. 3 - Algae concentration measurements on different samples upon excitation @ 308 nm, detection
channels as in the labels: (a) Spiiulina Platensis in a 180 cm high water column, (b) Tetraselmis
Suedca in a 30 cm high water column.
been suggested by a Russian group [10]. This new technique for monitoring the photosynthetic activity, based
on chlorophyll fluorescence exdtation induced by two lasers, has been set up in our laboratory and is presented
According to this idea, it should be possible to stimulate a sudden and strong variation of the bio
chemical state of the photoreceptors by using a suitable light exdtation, so that the laser induced fluorescence
just before and after such a stimulation should carry a differential information on the effidency of light energy
utions of the consid-
iluted algae solutions
ncreasing algae con-
are shown in Hg. 3,
orophyll R, band in-
mined in laboratory
close to 2 pg/1, thus
is been used so far as
oratory and field ex-
lo actually affect this
rement which some-
temal fadors, has
Fig. 4 - Probe and pump-probe fluorescence spectra: a) Tetraselmis Suidca, chi cone. = 6.9 mg/1;
b) Sprirulina Platensis, chi cone. = 4.6 mg/1; Date 23 Sep. 1993, pump-probe delay = 45 ps.