Full text: Gesammelte Werke (1. Band)

Kater (as the newspapers inform me) has read a notice to the Royal 
Society. As I understand it, Captain Kater is convinced that it was 
actually a volcano in a state of eruption. I am not in possession of 
the grounds on which this conviction is founded; but must confess that 
I cannot yet bring myself to believe in the existence of any fiery vol 
canos in the moon; and I think this highly remarkable phaenomenon 
is to be satisfactorily explained in another manner, more consistent with 
what we know of the physical construction of the moon. This luminous 
appearance seemed to me to be situated in or near the spot marked 
Aristarchus. This Aristarchus (as is well known) is always enlightened 
by the earth, in the dark portion of the moon, when three or four days 
old; and it is distinguishable from all the other spots in the moon by 
its brightness. But the luminous appearance of the 5 th of February 
was entirely different from the usual appearance of Aristarchus, with 
which I was well acquainted; and in my five-feet achromatic telescope 
by Dollond, was equal to a star of the 6 th magnitude. I shall ere long 
make public my ideas on these so called lunar volcanos, and shall have 
the honour, as soon as they are printed, to transmit them to you. 
I shall consider it as a duty in future to communicate to you 
every thing of any importance pertaining to astronomy, either the 
result of my own observations, or which may come to my knowledge; 
and shall continue to address to you as at present, unless I hear from 
you to the contrary. 
74. Beobachtung des Kometen yon 1821, Elemente der Bahn 
desselben und astronomische Nachrichten. 
Unterm 28. Mai 1821 eingesandt. 
[Astronomisches Jahrhuch für 1824, S. 173—176.] 
Heute kann ich Ihnen meine sämmtlichen Beobachtungen des letzten 
Kometen mittheilen: 
Scheinbare gerade 
1821. Mittl. Bremer Zeit 
Jan. 30. 
7 h 17 r 51 " 
27' 4" 
16° 5' 1" 
„ 30. 
8 h 29' 3" 
26' 24" 
16° 4' 24" 
Febr. 2. 
7 h 40' 50" 
8' 45" 
15° 50' 14" 
» 5. 
7 h 11' 50" 
15° 37' 56":: starker Sturm 
„ 7. 
6 h 50' 6" 
44' 41" 
15° 28' 55":

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