Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Scripta Varia (Tomus IX)

p. 271 v. 39 eleborarum E: corr. T. 
p. 277 v. 6 corriguntut E: correximus. 
p. 280 v. 29 D scripsimus] G E v. 30 Borrapeloten E: correximus, 
p. 281 v. 38 E scripsimus] D E. 
p. 283 v. 29 Sunque E: correximus. 
p. 286 v. 14 vndiquaquam E: correximus v. 28 XVIII E: correximus v. 39 
Obferuatio E: correximus, 
p. 288 v. 7 parpauci E: corr. T. 
p. 296 v. 16—17 futurnm E: correximus. 
p. 299 v. 6—11 CLARISSIMO... S. D .] EruditiBimo et excellenti Mathe 
matico Chriftophoro Rothmanno in hoc Itudio IlluftriBimo Principi Guil- 
helmo HaBiae Lantgrauio inferuienti Amico ruo diledio M v. 14 fequialtero 
E: corr. T v. 20 quibus in locis] ubi locorum M v. 22 exiltimem ] opinor M 
v. 24 illic] iftic M v. 25 Iit] elt M v. 28 post folum add. tunc M v. 33 76. & 78.] 
iuxta 77 et 78 M v. 36 illic ] iftic M. 
p. 300 v. 2 ipfum om. M v. 3 vid. annotationes tom. VI adjectae v. 4 sub 
scriptionem Tycho Brahe manu propria ipsius manu praebet M v. 5—9 
DEM ... ETC .] Wilhelm &c. M v. 12 nu\ nun M ut saepius v. 13 Elendstgier 
E: corr. ed. 1601 v. 27 vnfern E: corr. ed. 1601 v. 33 Elensochse E: corr. 
ed. 1601 v. 34 post brunft add. fonderlich gegen Frawes Perfonen M v. 39 
nicht om. M. 
p. 301 v. 1 Sondern om. M wie om. M in om. M v. 9 wolten M] wolte E 
v. 17 derofelben M v. 20 febigenE: corr. ed. 1601 v. 25 diB om. M v. 26— 
27 in .. .Veftung om. M. 
p. 303 v. 31 eigeuen E: corr. ed. 1601. 
p. 305 v. 4 post DOMINO add. SUO M v. 6 S. D. om. M v. 8 post pro 
prium add. fuum M v. 9 fequentis proxime M v. 10—11 quofdam .. .pro- 
miBos M v. 12—13 NobiliBimi viri om. M v. 13 literae om. M v. 16 fcri- 
bebat] ajebat M v. 24 post quos add. quidem M v. 26 inftituta] adornata M 
v. 27 vt om. M v. 28 vel om. M expedtem M v. 29 confiderem ] confidam 
quod M v.31 enim ] etenim M ad om. M v. 33 rediret] domum reuiferet M 
v. 37 huc om. M v. 39 paucas] parvas M v. 41 eos M. 
p. 306 v. 4 duobus ] geminis M Prouinciam ] Ditionem M v. 6 quos M 
v. 7 alendos M v. 10 in om. M iter om. M v. 13 cura] cavtione M v. 15— 
16 fatis fecerimus] fatiffadtum fiet M v. 17 unum ... iftos qvos M v. 17—18 
grandaevum eundemqve mafculum M v. 18 reliqvos M mafculos M v. 19 
hos M v. 23 post hifce add. borealibus M v. 30 feriari] eBe feriata M v. 34 
naturali quadam] fuapte naturae M v. 37 incolumen E: correximus v. 39— 
41 subscriptionem Tuae Ceis. addidtiB. Tycho Brahe ipsius manu praebet M. 
p. 312 v. 32 propius scripsimus] proprius E. 
p. 313 v. 14 ante LANDTGRAVIO add. JUNIORI M v. 16 post DOMINO 
add. SUO M v. 18 D. om. M v. 26 Exhibebit M v. 27 ille M v. 28 tecmi- 
rion M v. 30 mnemofynon M v. 34 Praeftantif. & Eruditif. Virum] dodtiBi- 
mum Virum Dominum M v. 36 operam nauantem] exeqvendis infervien- 
tem M v. 40 nunc om. M. 
p. 314 v. 4 cupio] habeo M v. 4—5 C. T.] T. C. M v. 8 —10 subscriptionem 
Tuae Ceis. addidtiB. Tycho Brahe ipsius manu praebet M. 
p. 315 v. 22 opti me E: correximus. 
p. 317 v. 21 exatlantis E: correximus v. 36 diae E: correximus, 
p. 319 v. 33 aberaBe E: correximus.

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