Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus XI, Tomus II)

Alt. © obferv. 
Vera Alt. 
Deci. © 
Long. © 
noftrse dant | 
25 Feb. 
28 42 30 
2 36 
28 45 6 
5 20 14 
16 3i iox 
16 28 16 X 
28 42 45 
28 45 21 
5 19 59 
16 31 50 X 
28 — 
29 52 25 
2 34 
29 54 59 
4 10 21 
19 29 35 X 
19 27 40 X 
29 52 35 
29 55 9 
4 10 11 
19 30 OX 
9 Mart. 
33 25 30 
2 30 
33 28 0 
0 37 20 
28 26 25 X 
28 23 55 X 
33 25 0 
33 27 30 
0 37 50 
28 25 10 X 
10 — 
33 48 35 
2 28 
33 51 3 
0 14 17 
29 24 12 X 
29 23 18 X 
33 48 50 
33 51 18 
0 14 2 
29 24 50X 
17 — 
36 33 30 
2 23 
36 35 53 
2 30 23 
6 17 30V 
6 18 3 V 
36 34 0 
36 36 23 
2 30 53 
6 18 45 V 
12 Sept. 
34 37 0 
2 27 
34 39 27 
0 33 57 
28 34 55 Vip 
28 37 56 1ip 
34 36 20 
34 38 47 
0 33 17 
28 36 33 Up 
28 Feb. 
Ex Ephemeridibus Prut. Maeft. 18 55 OX 
9 Mart. 
27 51 45 X 
Cypriani 28 39 39 X 
10 — 
28 51 14 X 
29 38 52X 
17 — 
5 46 50V 
6 32 17V 
12 Sept. 
Prut. Maeft. 28 34 0Up 
28 38 58 lip 
Obferuatio (Ia©. 
Polito loco © in 25° 57i M Z qualem 
Ephemerides noftrae exhibent in Me- 
rid., obferuabatur per Armillas Zodi- 
acales occident. Limb. d in 
12 H 32i M I 21 G 46 M V 
12 36 h II 21 50 V 
12 37 11 III 21 52ÌY 
12 38 38 IV 21 55 V 
12 39 0 V 21 561V 
Non erat fatis exadle ferenum, me 
diocres tamen funt hae obferuationes, 
et Luna nondum ad 90 gradum per- 
ueniBet, eo enim P. M. circa H. 3 pri 
mum venit. Potes autem potius fidere 
duabus poftremis obferuationibus, li 
mitando eas inter fe. 
Horologium in meridie corredtum. 
Refradtio etiam vtrobique tam in © 
quam in ([ hic aliquid ingerit obftaculi. 
H. 3 27' d in 90 gradu ab afcendente 
juxta fupputationem. 
2 31 26 Polito loco © in 26 G. 2 M. 
Z obferuabatur occidenta 
lis limbus d in 
Altitudo © 
G. M. G. M. 
22 43 V 6 50 
2 38 10 II 22 47 V 6 20 
2 41 16 III 22 47IV 6 0 
2 45 25 IV 22 48 V 5 45 
2 49 23 V 22 49IV 5 15 
Poftea obferuabatur d in quadra 
tura juxta Apogaeum, idque prope 90 
grad. a 9 > cum nullae aliae ftellae ap 
parerent, in hunc modum.

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