Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus XI, Tomus II)

1587 227 
Inter fin. hum. & 29 0 
4 Antinoi 29 1 
29 0 
Inter Vult. & Luc. iin. 
hum. Oph. 42 34 bis 
Inter eundem hum. & 26 12 
Luc. Coronae 26 121 
Deci. Luc. in fin. B. 10 Ili 
hum. Oph. 10 13 
Inter dextrum humerum 37 55 
Ophiuchi & Lucidam 37 551 
Coronae 37 544 
Inter dext. hum. Oph. & Vult. 31 471 bis 
Inter Vult. & fin. hum. 40 17! 
Herculis 40 18 
Declinatio finiftri humeri 25 28 
Herculis Bor. 25 261 
Inter latus Antinoi 33 37 
& Os Pegafi 33 371 
Inter 1 alae Peg. 53 571 
& latus Antinoi 53 58 
Inter Vult. & praeced. 19 441 
in ore Equiculi 19 441 
Inter Vult. & fequent. 20 431 
in ore Equiculi 20 441 
Inter Vult. & praec. 21 261 
in cap. Equic. 21 261 
Inter Vult. & feq. 22 581 
cap. Equic. 22 59 
Inter 2 in finiit, manu Bootis 23 21 
& Luc. in □ Vrfae min. 23 21 
23 3 
Inter 3 finiit, manus Bootis & 22 24 
Luc. □ Vriae eiusdem 22 241 
Inter 1 finiit, manus Bootis 22 40 
& Luc. in □ Vriae min. 22 401 
Inter Lyram & praec. 46 25! 
in fin. manu Bootis 46 26 
Inter Lyram & mediam 46 4! 
finiitrae manus 46 51 
Bootis 46 51 
Inter Lyram & 3 finiitrae 44 34! 
manus Bootis 44 35! 
44 34 a 
Inter Caudam Cygni & 
Luc. □ Vriae min. 46 15 bis 
Inter Lyram & 43 571 
Luc. □ vri. min. 43 58 
43 58 
Inter lupremam rhombi 36 151 
Delphini & Lyram 36 16 
Inter Lyram & occidentali 
orem ex duabus medijs 
in rhombo 35 16 bis 
Inter Lyram & ieq. ex medijs 36 30! 
in rhombo 36 301 
Inter Lyram & infim. 
in rhombo 35 52f bis 
Inter inf. Delph. caudae 
prox. & Lyr. 37 431 bis 
Inter Ieq. in rhombo & 
os Pegafi 15 21 bis 
Inter occidentaliorem ex 
duabus medijs in 16 49! 
rhombo & os Pegafi 16 491 
Inter Ieq. ex duabus medijs 
in rhombo Delphini & 
Os Pegafi 15 391bis 
Inter infimam rhombi & 16 55! 
Os Pegafi 16 56 
Inter caudam Delph. & 17 30 
Os Pegafi 17 29! 
Decl.Iuper.inrhomboDelph, 14 43 
Deci, praeced. ex medijs in 
rhombo 14 33 
Sequ. ex medijs in rhombo 13 391 
Infimae in rhombo declin. 13 14 
Caudae Delphinis Lucidae 
Deci. 10 31 
Per Armillas Auitrales, ideoque mi 
nus certae. 
Inter apicem 22 45! 
caput Androm. 22 451 
Inter iuprem. & 26 13 
caput Androm. 26 131 
Inter Auftraliorem ex Ieq. in 27 47 
& caput Andromedae 27 461 
Inter Lyram & 26 10 
Borealem in Telo 26 10! 
Inter Lyram & 25 22 
mediam Teli 25 21! 
Inter Os Pegafi & 27 12 
Borealiorem in Telo 27 121 
Inter Os Pegafi & 29 34 
mediam in Telo 29 34! 
Declin. Borealis in vno 18 28! 
Telo ait. 18 30 

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