Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus XI, Tomus II)

III. Pro tempore hic accipiebatur cor a Mer. in 
diftantia aequatoria H. 4 81, refpondet tempus 
14 25 45 Tota obfcurata videbatur. 
2 31 10 
3 40 8 
3 53 35 
14 31 15 ex corde 
15 28 35 ex corde 
15 40 16 IV. Cauda diftabat a Meridiano 3 45|. 
Videbatur egredi ex vmbra fed obfcure. 
15 53 16 Tempus ex diftantia Ardturi a Meridiano. 
Confuetum obtinuit lumen. 
4 26 28 
11 53 26 
1 55 22 
2 0 0 
2 5 9 
2 7 25 
2 8 58 
2 11 41 
2 13 22 
2 43 20 
2 45 40 
2 47 5 
V. 16 27 45 Ardtur. Media pars illuminata. 
Occ. limb. d per Merid. habens Alt. per Q. Tychon. inferioris 
limbi 36 47, fuperioris 37 191, diameter 0 321. 
Inter occ. limb, d & cor £} 
Inter occ. limb, d & cor 
Inter Spicam & occ. limb, d 
Eadem repetita 
Eadem repetita 
Inter occ. limb, d et cor D 
Repetita eadem 
27 411 
27 46 
27 47 
26 10 
26 8 
26 9 
26 71 
28 3 
28 5 
28 5

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