Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus XI, Tomus II)

6° 5' 
4 О 
)0 5 
5 48т 
О 17 О 
6 5 40 
10 5 0 
6 0 40 
7 H 44' IO'' 
7 41 7 
0 3 3 
1 33 
L1 54 52 
11 56 25 
7 59 35 
3 56 50 
59° 12' 30" 
00 5 О 
59 17 30 
20 9| х* 
96° 39' 
04 О 
00 39 
7 2± 
10 17 
17 191 
00 39 
16 40i 
7 H 46' 41" 
7 43 40 
О 3 1 
1 32 
11 54 52 
11 56 24 
Aufer primum tempus 
Differentia temporis 
Refpondet in aequatore 
Afceniio I M. C 
Afceniio R.© 
Refpondet locus ©in 
8 1 52 
3 54 32 
58° 38' 0" 
200 39 0 
259 17 0 
20 91 x* 
H. 8 4'27" A. M. 
2J. a Merid .occ. 97 19i 
Afcenf. R. 104 0 
Afcenf. R. M. C. 201 19i 
3 49 5 P.M. 9 occ. a Mer. 7 57i 
Afcenf. R. 9 310 17 
P. M. Afc. R. M. C. 318 141 
A. M. Afc. R. M.C. 201 19 t 
Diff. Afc. M. C. 116 54 50 
Refpondet in tempore 7 H 47' 40" 
Tempus interlapfum ex 
horologio 7 44 38 
Differentia temporis 0 3 2 
inH.4 48'.Ergoproportio- 
naliter tempori a prima 
obferuatione in Merid. 
Tempus traniitus © obf. 
Verum tempus traniitus 
Subtrahe I tempus 
Differentia temporis 
Refpondet in aequatore 
M.C. I 
Afcenf. R.© 
Refpondet locus © in 
1 31 
11 54 52 
11 56 23 
8 4 27 
3 51 56 
57° 59' 0" 
201 19 30 
259 18 30 
20 11 x* 
H.8 10'55" occ. a Mer. 98 56i 
Afc. R. 1\ 104 0 
Afcenf. I M. C. 202 561 
3 58 55 P. M. 9 occid. 
a Mer. 10 24i 
Afcenf. R. 9 310 17 
Afcenf. P. M. M. C. 320 41* 
Differentia Afc. M. C. 117 45 0 
Refpondet in tempore 7 H 51' 0" 
Ex horologio 7 48 0 
Diff. temporis in H. 7 51" 3 0 
Ergo proportionaliter tem 
pori a prima obferuatione 
in Meridiem competunt 1 28 
1 Codex C. habet 38". 
Tempus traniitus © obferu. 11 54 52 
" 56 20 
10 55 
45 25 
5 21' 15" 
56 30 
17 45 
Verum tempus traniitus 
Subtrahe I tempus 
Faciunt in aequatore 
M. C. I 
Afceniio R. © 
Rpfnnndet InmiRiTi 
Simili progreBu iuxta obferuationes 
fuperius annotatas locus © aliquoties 
H. 11 54' 40" traniiuit © per meridia 
num, fed quia © tum temporis circa 
meridianum etiam obferuabatur in 
Azimuthis, igitur et hoc tempus © ex 
H.l 1 50'40"Azim. ©or. 0°51', Alt. 10°45' 
Latus BA 34 5 30 
CA 79 15 0 
Ang. CAB 179 9 0 
Hinc BC 113 20 6 
Ang.ABC,©amer, inaequat. 0 55 23 
Refpondet in tempore 0 H 3'41" 
Tempus obferuat. 11 50 40 
Tempus traniitus © 11 54 21 
Haec obferuatio non fuit fatis exadta. 
H.ll 58 20 Azim. © occ. 0°48', 
Alt. 10° 441' 
Latus BA 34 5 30 
CA 79 15 30 
Ang. CAB 179 12 0 
BC 113 20 48 
Ang. ABC 0 51 15 
Refpondet in tempore 0 H 3'24" 
Tempus obferuat. 11 58 20 
Tempus traniitus © H.ll 54 56 
H. 12 0 31 1 Azim. occ. 1°20', Alt. 10°43' 
Latus BA 34 
CA 79 
ВАС 178 
BC 113 
Dift. © a mer., ABC 1 
Refpondet in tempore H. 0 
Tempus obferuat. 12 
Tempus traniitus 11 
5 30 
17 0 
40 0 
21 56 
26 15 
0 31 
54 47 

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