Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus XII, Tomus III)

Inter pedtus Cygni & ftellam 49 48h 
polarem fupra polum 49 48* 
Inter caudam Cygni & ftellam 
polarem fupra polum 44 42 bis 
Obferuauimus has duas ftellas pro 
f) loco olim Auguftae Vindelicorum 
obferuati inueniendo. 
Di ftantia inter dextrum 19 11| 
humerum Erichtonij 1 19 11 
& Ardturum 19 12 
Vice verfa a Lyra 
Diftantia eiusdem 40 34 0 
Altitudo eius meridiana 68 56 30 
Inter cor & infimam 4 46 50 
ceruicis 4 46 30 
4 46 0 
1 Sic in codice, fed debet eBe »Bootis«. Cf. T.X p. 33.

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