Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus XIII, Tomus IV)

Volubili 28 38 
Chalybeo 28 39 
Retineatur 28 381 
Declinatio 11 161 
Pro vero loco f). 
Declinatio t) 1 11 16 lOauft. 
Diftantia a Spica Tt}> 19 4 30 
Angulus diff. afcenf. 19 14 49add. 
Afc. Redla 6 215 18 49 
Vice verfa. 
Dift. 6 a lance Borea 9 8! 
Angulus diff. afcenf. 8 35 36 
Afc. Redla f) 215 19 
limitata 215 18 54 
Refp. Longitudo 6°45' 37" HI 
Latitudo 2 42 Borea 
10 H 20 M Diftantia 6 aSpicaltP 18 591 
10 23 Eadem repetita 18 59! 
10 25 Eadem repetita 18 59! 
Corredla 19 0! 
Vice verfa. 
10 31 Dift. 6 a lance Borea 9 11 
10 33 Eadem repetita 9 11 
10 35 Eadem repetita 9 11 
Corredla 9 12 
11 31 Altit. 6 merid. Volub. 28 42! 
Sextante orichalcico 28 381 
Chalybeo 28 39! 
Murali, fuperiori 28 381 
inferiori 28 40 
Retine 28 40 
Declinatio 11 14! 
10 H 29 M Dift. 6 a Spica TtP 18 56! 
10 31 Repetita 18 56! 
10 36 Repetita 18 56! 
Vice verfa. 
10 40 Dift. a lance Borea 9 161 
10 43 Eadem repetita 9 161 
10 45 Eadem repetita 9 16! 
11 44 Altit. merid. Volubili 28 42! 
Chalybeo 28 43! 
Murali pinn. fup. 28 40! 
inferiori 28 41! 
9 H 25 M Diftantia 6 a Spica tip 18 16 
Repetita 18 15! 
Repetita 18 15! 
Corredla 18 16! 
Vice verfa. 
9 28 Dift. f) a lance Borea 9 41 
Repetita 9 39 
Repetita 9 39 
Corredla 9 40 
9 35 Altit. merid. 6 Volubili 29 11! 
Chalybeo 29 10! 
Murali pinn. fuper. 29 11! 
inferiori 29 11! 
Vefperi obferuabatur 6 prope © lis . 
N.B. J) iuxta ftationem alteram. 
10 H 35 M Dift. 6 ab Ardturo 31 52! 
Repetita 31 53 
Repetita 31 52! 
10 41 a iiniftro genu Ophiuchi 30 55 
Repetita 30 55 
10 44 Dift. 6 a lance Borea 11 39! 
Repetita 11 39! 
Vice verfa a Spica non potuimus 
propter nubes ibidem circa Horizon- 
tem verfantes. 
Veri loci 6 ex praecedentibus obfer- 
uationibus demonftratio. 
Ex Ob- Longit. Differ. Latit. B. Differ. 
feru. TT13°48' 14" 2°27'22" 
tenicus 4 6 30 18'16"P. 2 50 23'P. 
Alphonf.3 50 2 P. 2 42 15 P. 
Iuxta noftram limitationem prouenit: 
Longitudo 3°45' 0" TT\ 
Latitudo 2 27 0 Borea. 
Diftantia a lance Borea 11 41! 
Eadem dift. repetita 11 41! 
Eadem repetita 11 41! 
Corredla 11 42! 
Dift. 6 a fin. genu Ophiuchi 30 58 
Repetita 30 57! 
Repetita 30 58 
Eadem repetita 30 58 
Corredla 30 59!

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