Full text: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Remote Sensing for Coastal and Marine Engineering

Microwave Remote Sensing for Sea Surface 
Microwave Remote Sensing of the Sea Surface: 
Hisashi Mitsuyasu 3 
Coastal Engineering Applications of RADARSAT SAR Imagery: 
Gordon Staples 11 
Monitoring Sea Surface Wave Field 
Estimation of the Sea Surface Wind Field from the Airborne Reflectance Data: 
Yoshiyuki Kawata , and Akihiro Yamazaki 18 
The Survay of Ocean Wave Field Using Marine Radar: 
F.Ziemer 26 
The Validation of Sea Surface Parameter from Marine Radar by In Situ Data: 
Shintaro Goto, and Kiyonori lisawa 34 
Geomatics for Marine and Ocean Environment 
Development of Color of Sea Database to Estimate Transparency 
Katsutoshi Kozai 40 
Study on the Estimation of Tidal Front at Coastal Sea Area based on the NOAA Image 
Yukio Akamatsu, Naoki Shirai, Tadashi Asai, and Kazuo Murakami 45 
Remote Sensing and GIS Application in Building Coastal &Marine Environment 
Management Information System in Plainan Island: 
Ren Jinsong, Tong Yu, and Chen Hedong 
The Coherent Structure inside the Oceanic Turbulence around Japan-lslands-chain: 
Tsukasa Nishimura, Tomonao Kobayashi, Sotaro Tanaka, Toshiro Sugimura, 
and Yuji Platakeyama 
TIB/UB Hannover 
139 924 183 

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