Full text: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Remote Sensing for Coastal and Marine Engineering

Monitoring Sea Surface by HF Radar 
HF Radar and Satellite Observations of Oyashiro Inturrusion Process 
to the Funka Bay: 
Sei-ichi Saitoh, Kazuhiko Kasuga, Hiroji Onishi, Yutaka Isoda, 
Hideo Miyake, Akitugu Nadai, and Sotoshi Fujii 67 
Measurement of Complicatedness of Ocean Surface Current field 
by Using HF Ocean Surface Radar: 
Akitsugu Nadai 74 
Surface Currents Observation in the Sea off Fukushima 
with two HF Ocean Surface Radars: 
Shin'ichi Sakai, Masafumi Mizutori, Hiroshi Kuroiwa, 
and Akitsugu Nadai 82 
New Sensor 
- Monitoring Sea Surface by Interferometric SAR - 
Measurement Surface Currents and Subsurface Phenomena with the OCRS Along 
Track InSAR: 
John W.M.Campbell, A.Laurence Gray, and Karim E.Matte 90

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