Full text: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Remote Sensing for Coastal and Marine Engineering

In the coming years, Hainan island, as the largest Special Economic Zone in China, with 
excellent geographic conditions and abundant natural resources, thus represents a relatively 
unpolluted environment poised to undergo a period of rapid growth and industrialization. The 
importance of developing sound environment and natural resource management includes some 
of the most valuable habitats for flora and fauna in China, especially along the island's coastline 
grow China's most diverse and extensive mangroves and coral reefs. 
.to initiate and improve the collation, processing, storage and assessment of the coastal and 
marine environment data and facilitate exchange and dissemination of information utilizing 
remote sensing and GIS. 
. to improve planning and management capabilities of the departments concerned in 
resource development and environmental protection, by establishing relevant data base and 
information system supported by GIS. 
. to promote networking and cooperation among the participating countries in utilizing 
remote sensing and GIS in the protection and management of the coastal and marine 
1. Project Methodology 
The project adopts systematic software engineering methods, first analyze and define system 
objectives , demand, functions and interface, etc., then adopt structured system design 
method to form the general design, the relationship and user interface among modules, as well 
as the software / hardware configuration environment. 
2. The Principal Tasks and Technical Keys 
(l)Use remote sensing images and GIS thematic coverages as the main data sources, 
combining with statistic data on social, economic, resource and environment, as well as 
ground observation material, to build the Coastal and Marine Resource and Environment 
Database in Hainan island. Adopting relational DBMS to make attribute data management and

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