Full text: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Remote Sensing for Coastal and Marine Engineering

Figure 1. NOAA/AVHRR-based flow visualization of coherent structure, 0344, 19 April 1993. 
(a) geometric correction and radiometric enhancement, (b) instantaneous turbulence measurement. 
1 Gulf-Stream-RingsM 
I upstream of IBP' 
' (Richradson, 1984) | 
® Cape-Toi 
© Cape-Ashizuri 
© Cape-Muroto 
® Cape-Shinomisaki / j 
© Cape-Daiou fTJ jdfl 
© Cape-Omae Æ 
Steady, weak vortices J 
at the US coast IMP 
(Lugt 1983) 
Shikoku-Basin vjkÿ 
v Sf<S x 
Figure 2. Tectonic settings of Kuroshio and Gulf-stream, (a) Giant-Cusps, submarine ridges and 
seamounts, (b) New-England-Seamounts and Giant-Cusps (Richardson 1984, Lugt 1983).

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