ed from grazing
choeira Paulis-
ain palatable
d very few
vaders are Sape
aboa ( Thyfa
mid lowland
under pro-
m notatum) ,
mber, the dry
)are usually
ed spreading
trong extrac
opy cover. The
analysis was
a Perkin-Elmer
( Melinis) and
ophyl absorption
orption than
.s ( Melinis) , but
he all bands,
iated leaf
it between areas
500, 650 mp and
>e used with the
»ns and plant
.blad 500 EL/70mm
»4 were thus
c Wratten 89B.
of those color
flter and cover
: than they
filter goes
iters. The oper-
>, each filter
jf the data
retation possi-
lt surfaces
2 d radiation in
rmation in a
ation that
tion by