Object: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

1. Arnold, R.D. 
1972 : "The Environment - Where Do We Stand? From the Vantage Point of 
Space". J, Range Management 25:413-414. 
2. Blydenstein, J. 
1972 : "Developing Range Management in Latin America". J.Range 
Management 25:7-9. 
3. Carneggies, D.M. and J.N. Reppert 
1969 : "Large Scale 70 mm Aerial Color Photography". Photogrametrie 
Engineering . Voi. 35 N9 3:249-257. 
4. Driscoll, R.S., et al 
1970 : "Identification and Measurement of Herbland and Shrubland 
Vegetation from Large Scale Aerial Color Photographs". 
Proceedings of the XI International Grassland Congress :95-98 
5. Freytag, H. 
1973 : "The Hasselblad Way". The Focal Press. London and New York.423p

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