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Twenty southeastern Wisconsin lakes were identified on individual frames
for the following dates: 9 August 1972, 11 June 1973, 17 July 1973, and
22 August 1972. All of these lakes had known fertility problems, and as
would be expected the exposure in band 5 increased for almost all the lakes
as the algal turbidity levels increased as the summer progressed (see
Figure 9). Exposures were consistently significantly higher in August 1972
than in August 1973. This increase in exposure could be attributed to a
light atmospheric haze covering the frame.
Densitometry of Wisconsin Lakes Greater Than 100 Acres
Using ERTS Band 5 70mm Imagery
Based on the preceeding studies, it was decided to densitize ERTS
band 5 70mm lake imagery to develop a trophic status ranking of all lakes
greater than 100 acres in the State of Wisconsin. This classification is
based on the relation between band 5 exposure and turbidity caused mainly
by phytoplanktonic algae. Energy detected in band 5 may come from as much
as 5 feet below the lake surface, and submerged rooted aquatic macrophytes
are probably registered by the satellite's sensors. This study, however,
has not directly addressed itself to the relation between lake exposure
and the extent of these macrophyte growths.
One hundred acres was selected as the minimum lake size to be densi-
tized based on the need for the microdensitometer measurement spot to be
wholly within the lake. The 50 micron measurement spot used covers an
area approximately 550 feet across on a 70mm image. A round 100 acre
lake is 2300 feet across, which was felt to be the minimum lake area that
could be found and measured with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
Theoretically 17 ERTS images from one 6-day overpass period would
provide complete coverage of the State of Wisconsin. However, because
of cloud cover and missing imagery, this project used 26 images from
four different 6-day overpass periods. The 5-day period from 3 through
7 August 1973 provided the majority of the imagery used.
Densitometer readings for each lake were punched on IBM cards for
computer calculation and manipulation. In addition to densitometer
readings, IBM cards were also punched with each lake's name and an
arbitrary identification number, the lake's latitude and longotide,
county location, secchi disc depths when available, maximum water depth,
an arbitrary 0,1,2 ranking for atmospheric haze, and an arbitrary 0,1,2
ranking for evaluating cases where the lake shape was such that difficulty
was encountered insuring that the measurement spot of the densitometer was
wholly within the lake.
Computer programs developed for this project were used to calculate
lake exposure, and to rank the 1000 lakes by exposure by county, DNR
district, or the state as a whole. In addition, sorting routines will
sort the lakes by depth, haze, or size for analysis purposes. The computer
printouts presented with this report include: 1) a sort of all lakes by
district with the lakes ranked in descending order of exposure; 2) a sort