Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

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- The determinations-registrations, in accordance with the techno- 
logy from /12/ have been homogenized-calibrated, using sampling targets in 
field and in site-tests; the colour composite images (the only ones received 
till June 1974) have been sliced; from the airborne colour recordings slicings 
were also made for the three layers, as well as for some intermediate 
values; the same from the IR black-white recordings; 
- The relevance matrices with the evidence-marking of risk con 
siderations for each stage of the process-system have been drawn; 
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- False stereograms have been drawn using recordings in different 
bands, having a previous geometrical correlation; 
- Sketches have been drawn automatically with the zones having the 
same appearance, using different combinations of bands; correlations have 
been tested between discrete determinations at the scanning-miscroscope- 
photometer and some phenomena-objects, aim of the photointerpretation- 
remote sensing; 
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- The initial model with input and output data organized in 
accordance with the above mentioned technical-economical organization 
principles has been designed and is under development; the basic data 
necessary for the effective use of the future ERTS recordings has been 
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established, by performing new airborne recordings and field-determinations 
according to the program. Observing this experimental aim, all the initial 
stages of the recordings were fulfilled at the scales 1:1,000,1:5,000,1:28,000, 
1:45,000,1:150,000 (the first two scales only for the sampling areas); the 
satellite recordings from the third generation received here have been 
enlarged up to the scale 1:100,000. 
The experimental investigations are under development. 
The practice of physical-mathematical modelling using the 
principles of technical-economical optimization is proving to be fertile 
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in the treatment of some complex problems as these of photointerpretation- 
remote sensing. Special attention should be given to the analysis of the 
factors, characteristics, conditions and real performances which intervene 
when giving some weight and risk considerations, decisive for the develop 
ment of the photointerpretation-remote sensing programmes in our conditions. 
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The rational use of the whole set of existing or available data, 
the justified selection of the variants within the process comparable with 
that of optimization, the consideration of some restrictive conditions - 
risk factors, makes approachable complex programs of stock-taking by operative 
remote sensing, based on economical principles. Consequently operative 
technological lines may be proposed for the current actual and potential

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