Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

Meyer, M.P. 
1974: Montana Public Land Resource Management. Application of 
Remote Sensing, Banff Symp., Comm VII, ISP. 
McQuillan, A.K., D.J. Clough 
1973: Benefits of Remote Sensing of Sea-ice. Canada Centre for 
Remote Sensing, res. report 73-3, Ottawa. 
Odum, E.P. 
1961: Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Co. 
Strumpf, H., A.E. Strong 
1974: ERTS-1 Views on Oil Slick. Remote Sensing of Environment, 
Vol. 3, #1. 
Thie, J. 
1972: Application of Remote Sensing for Description and Mapping of 
Forest Ecosystems. Proc. First Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 
Thie, J., J.F. Shaw, C. Tamocai, G. Mills, H. Ayles, G. Adams, J. Stewart 
1973: Long Term Ecological Monitoring of the Lake Winnipeg, 
Churchill-Nelson Rivers Impact Areas. Proposal to Churchill-Nelson 
Rivers Study Board, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 
Thie, J., C. Tarnocai, G. Mills, S.E. Kristoff 
1974: A Rapid Resource Inventory for Canada's North by Means of 
Satellite and Airborne Remote Sensing. Second Canadian Symposium 
on Remote Sensing, Guelph, Ontario. 
Thie, J. 
1974: Distribution and Thawing of Permafrost in the Southern Part 
of the Discontinuous Zone in Manitoba. Arctic, Vol. 27, //3. 
Thomson, K.P.B., S. Ross, H. Howard 
1974: Remote Sensing of Oil Spills. Proc. Canadian Cont. Margins 
and Offshore Pet. Expl., Calgary, Alberta. 
van Everdingen, R.O. 
1974: Groundwater in Permafrost regions of Canada. Proc. Workshop 
Seminar on Permafrost Hydrology, Can. Nat. Comm., Int. Hydrol. Decade, 
Environment Canada, Ottawa. 
Zsilinszky, V. 
1972: Resource Surveys with Miniature Cameras. Comm. VII, ISP, Ottawa. 
Zsilinszky, V. 
1974: Canadian Remote Sensing - Regional Centre. Banff Symp., 
Comm. VII, ISP.

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